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The Seventh Miserable Bride novel Chapter 34

Yasmine Taylor knew very well the reason why Sebastian Simons asked her to go upstairs. It must be for the necklace on her neck. True enough, she guessed right.

"Who gave you permission to wear this necklace?" he questioned with an impassive look.

"Isn't this for me?" she asked.

He sneered and said, "Your self- righteousness is really growing by the day. On what basis do you think this necklace is for you?"

"Just based on my feelings," she answered.

"Don't you know that your feelings are as bad as you yourself as a person?" he criticized.

"If that's not for me, then who are you going to give it to?" she challenged.

Sebastian replied coldly, "To whom I'm giving it is not your concern. Anyway, it's not for you. Put it back where it came from."

Yasmine took off the necklace sulkily, hooked it in her hand, walked to the trash can, and finally asked him, "Do you really want me to throw away this token of gratitude?"

"Don't think too highly of yourself. I would never show gratitude to someone who has no place in my heart," he said.

Sebastian grabbed the necklace, walked swiftly towards the window, then threw it out of the window.

After that, the two did not say a word. Sebastian angrily slammed the door and left while Yasmine stood in front of the window, watching his car disappear from her sight. She turned around, tore down the stairs, went out to the lawn, bent down, and began searching for it.

The lawn was so huge that she took a long time looking for it. Fortunately, she eventually found the necklace. However, this time, she dared not wear it on her neck. Instead, she kept it locked in her drawer.

Sebastian did not come home even after dinner time. Since it was inevitable that businessmen had to attend social gatherings, Yasmine did not think much about it.

At about ten o'clock, when she just climbed onto the bed, she suddenly heard crashing sounds coming from the bedroom next door. She opened the door and looked out curiously, only to find that Sebastian had fallen to the ground.

She hurried over to help him up and noticed the strong smell of alcohol on him. She frowned and asked, "Why did you drink so much?"

Sebastian shook her hand off in disgust and said, "Don't touch me."

He staggered to his bedside and almost fell down again. Yasmine instinctively came forward to hold him but was refused by him again, "Get out of my way. Stay away from me!"

She was a little frustrated and said angrily, "I know you hate me, but as long as I am still your wife, I should do my duty as a wife."

"Your duty as a wife?"

Sebastian sneered and said, "Is a wife's duty to lie to her husband and go on a date with another man?"

"I've already explained to you. It's not what you think," she said defensively.

"Oh yes, you've explained. That man helped you so you invited him to dinner out of gratitude..." he said with sarcasm.

"Yes, that's it," she confirmed.

Yasmine thought that he finally understood, but unexpectedly, he did not understand at all. In actual fact, he did not want to understand. "If you need help, you could have asked me. I have plenty of money and contacts. If you had asked me for help, I would have been able to solve your problems. Why must you find other men?" he interrogated.

"You were on a business trip at that time..." she muttered.

"If I didn't go on a business trip, would you have asked me? I figure you would still have gone to find other men!" he accused.

Yasmine was a little distressed by his question but she continued to explain patiently, "I didn't ask him. He took the initiative to help me."

"Are you trying to say that men find you attractive? Well, there's some truth in that, since you were the one I picked out the first time we met. It can be seen how easily you twist men around your finger," he remarked. "Do you have to humiliate me like this just so you feel better?" she blurted.

"That's just what you think. I'm only speaking the truth. Although I have divorced six times, you're definitely the worst among my wives..." he hissed.

"Yes, I'm not up to your standards. Hate me as much as you want to, I don't care!" she said.

"Women like you with such bad behaviors, of course, don't care about anything. You don't even care if you tear people's hearts into pieces. Both of you are cast in the same mold," he commented rudely.


Yasmine could not help but slapped him in the face and said with red-rimmed eyes, "You can humiliate me however you want, but I will never tolerate you humiliating my mother. Yes, my mother is a stripper, but she's not the kind of person you're talking about!"

Sebastian looked at her in shock. "How dare you hit me?"

"You have lived for 30 years, but you had never been slapped in the face. That slap was reminded you that all humans are equal. Just because you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth, does not mean that you're extraordinarily pure. In my opinion, people who have no respect for others are worse than male prostitutes in nightclubs."

After saying that, Yasmine strode to her secret chamber, but was stopped by Sebastian. "What did you say? Male prostitutes? Nightclubs?"


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