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The Seventh Miserable Bride novel Chapter 74

Realizing that he had thought about something that he should not have, he shook his head and waved at Yasmine with a smile. "Do you want to take a photo?"


Yasmine agreed.

Sebastian took out the camera that he had prepared earlier, and took a few photos of her. Yasmine came to him happily and said, "It's boring for me to shoot alone all the time. Let's take a photo together."


Sebastian asked a passer-by to help them out, and the man was American. The American took his camera and helped them take their first ever picture together.

"Not bad."

Yasmine stared at the photo in the camera and smiled from ear to ear.

"Where do you want to go next?"

"The Sacred Heart Cathedral."


Sebastian teased her and said, "You've never been to Paris, but you know quite well about the buildings here."

"That's right. I haven't been here, but I've seen them on TV." The Sacred Heart Cathedral was built on Montmartre, and it was a religious place of worship. Montmartre had a winding path with elegant street lights, and shining neon lights. It had the beautiful scenery of the city. It was a romantic place in Paris. It was also a place that was harmonious with elements of religions, arts, and love, which was why the Sacred Heart Cathedral was surrounded by a fairy- like romantic vibe and elegant scenery. Compared to the Notre- Dame, the Sacred Heart Cathedral was more visited by travellers at large. There were lots of shops and restaurants around so the air was filled with the scent of savoury food. When the weather was good, there would be many people visiting and the scene would be so pretty as if it was painted by an artist.

When they arrived at the cathedral, Yasmine pulled Sebastian's sleeve and said, "Shall we make a wish?"

"Well, okay, you go."

"What? Don't you want to go?"

"Why would a man make a wish?"

"What? A man can't make a wish? No, you have to

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Without saying further, Yasmine pulled him to the front of the statue. Then she put her hands together devoutly and prayed respectfully in silent, "Almighty God, please give me, and the man beside me, strength, so that we will never be separated for the rest of our lives. We'll grow old together, hand in hand."

She opened her eyes and glanced at Sebastian. "Have you made your wish?"


"What did you wish for?"

"It won't come true if I say it out."

"It's okay, tell me. I want to know."

He cleared his throat and said, "Almighty God, my lover's wish is my wish. Please don't forget me while fulfilling her wish."

Yasmine sneered and said, "What? You're not sincere."

It was getting dark, and the two of them left the Sacred Heart Cathedral. They went to the restaurant at the foot of the mountain and had authentic snacks. Yasmine did not want to go back to the hotel so early, so she suggested to take a walk around the Seine.

The Seine at night was as beautiful as a painting. The evening breeze blew on their faces, making them feel very comfortable. They walked along the river for a while, and Yasmine felt that her throat was dry, so she said casually, "I'm a little thirsty."

Sebastian stopped and said, "I'll buy you some water."

"Where are you going? There seems to be no shops nearby."

"I know a place. Wait for me here, I'll be back soon." "All right."

Sebastian turned around and walked away. After a few steps, he turned back and said, "Don't move. I won't be responsible if you get lost." Yasmine smiled and said, "Got it."

When Sebastian's disappeared from her sight, she wandered around in boredom. Suddenly, she heard the sound of rock and roll. She was excited and looked around. Soon, she was sure that the music was coming from the east.

She thought that Sebastian would not be back so soon. Even if he came back, she could use her mobile phone to contact him. Out of curiosity, she followed the music and came to a lively open space.

It took her a lot of effort to squeeze through the crowd to the front. It turned out that it was a band busking. There were three men and a woman. The lead singer was very handsome, he was holding a big guitar and singing a song that Yasmine liked very much. She was surprised to hear people singing her favorite song in this foreign country. When the song was over, she clapped hard and took out her wallet from her pocket. When she was about to take out the money, a black hand reached out and grabbed her purse in a flash.

"Thief! Stop right there!"

Yasmine roared angrily and chased after him.

She was a woman. No matter how fast she ran, it was impossible for her to run faster than a man. When she was feeling desperate, a man outran her and chased after the thief.

The man flashed in front of her like a bolt. She was so anxious, realizing that she had something important in her wallet, that she forgot about Sebastian who went to buy water for her. Perhaps the thief did not have the strength to run further. He threw the wallet on the ground and went into a dark forest.

Yasmine was exhausted. She squatted on the ground and gasped. The man picked up the wallet and gave it back to her. "See if there's anything missing."

She looked up slowly and was surprised to find that the man who helped her chase after the thief turned out to be the handsome young man who was the lead singer of the band.

"Thank you. Thank you so much."

She received it with gratitude and pulled open her wallet zipper. When she saw that her photo with Sebastian was still in it, she was relieved.

"You didn't lose anything, did you?"

"No, thank you very much."


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