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The Seventh Miserable Bride novel Chapter 82

Sebastian picked up his car key and went straight out of the office, completely ignoring Linda's existence. Linda did not give up and followed him out. She shouted hysterically, "Brother-in-law, please believe me. I swear to God that everything I said is true."

"I'm warning you. Stop following me!"

Sebastian stared at her with sharp eyes, and his whole body emitted an eerie chill. Linda was shocked and dared not move. She muttered to herself, "Believe it or not, what I said is the truth..."

When he got home, Yasmine was not back yet. He took out his mobile phone and called her. "Where are you?"

"I'm having dinner with Lily. Do you want to come over?"

"Oh, no, I just wanted to hear your voice. You go ahead and eat. I'm hanging up."


Yasmine hung up the phone. Lily asked, "Who was it? Your man?"


"It seems that you both are getting along well."

"Not too bad, indeed."

Yasmine was a little worried. "Lily..." She called her name. Lily frowned and asked, "What's wrong?" "Do you think that there shouldn't be any secrets between two people who love each other?"

"What do you mean?"

"For example, even if it's a secret that will hurt the other party, it shouldn't be kept from them?"

"Can you just tell me frankly what exactly you're thinking? I'm not that smart and I can't twist my brain."

Yasmine hesitated for a moment and told her the truth. "I want to tell him why I married him."

Lily shook her head in horror. "No, no, you can't."


"Which man would allow a woman to use him as a tool for revenge? What's more, Sebastian had been deceived by a woman before."

"But if I don't say it, I'll always feel guilty in my heart. I'm hesitant. I wanted to tell him many times before, but I'm afraid that he can't accept it. I care about this hard-earned relationship very much."

"Since you care about it, you must protect it well. Only a fool will confess everything to a man. There are some things that you shouldn't say even if you're husband and wife. Don't think that he will forgive you even though he loves you now. If you are not a hundred percent sure that he will forgive you, you can't take this risk."

Lily's words made Yasmine fall into a state of hesitation. She struggled in her heart. One voice was encouraging her to confess, and the other warned her that she must not do it.

"But I've always felt that even if I don't say it, this matter will not be kept from him for too long. No secret lasts forever..."

"At least wait for your relationship with Sebastian to mature and deepen. At that time, even if he can't accept it, he won't be willing to let you go. Don't you think it's not the right time now? You've just fallen in love with each other."

That was what bothered Yasmine. Every morning when she woke up, she would tell herself that she had to confess today. But every night before going to bed, she would tell herself that it was better to confess tomorrow. As time went by, the best explanation of her avoiding it was that she did not have the courage to confess.

Another explanation was that she did not have enough confidence in Sebastian's love.

Sebastian was working in the study when Yasmine came back. She stood by the door and stuck her head in with a smile. "Hi, I'm back."

"Come and give me a kiss."

Sebastian waved his hand. She walked over gently and kissed him on his cheek.

"What did you eat at night?"

"Anyway, it's not crabs."

He smiled and said, "Are you afraid of eating crabs now?"

"I'm not just afraid, my stomach hurts when I see them."

"Then, I'll take you to eat other dishes next time." "Yes, and with some liquor, it'll be perfect." The two of them looked at each other and smiled. Yasmine stretched and said, "Are you going to work for a long time? I'm going to take a shower first."

"Well, I may need a while. You go shower and sleep first."


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