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The Seventh Miserable Bride novel Chapter 87

Yasmine Taylor slowly turned around and looked with her eyes which was blurred by her tears and the rain and saw a figure standing on the coast waving at her. She was stunned for a moment and continued to move forward, but the voice behind her sounded again, "Miss, if you are committing suicide, can you take me with you?"

Yasmine was stunned again. When she saw that the figure had jumped down, she hurried back and wiped the tears at the corners of her eyes. Finally, she saw that the person who called her was a beggar dressed in old rags. He was in his 60s, but perhaps because of hunger, he was so thin that he was practically left with bones.

"Mister, what are you doing?"

She asked in a hoarse voice.

"Suicide. Aren't you committing suicide also? Can you take me with you? I've already thought of death many times, but I don't have the courage to do so every time. Today, when I see that you are going to jump into the water, I'm thinking if I can borrow your courage to fulfill my wish for death."

"Why do you want to die?"

"Because I'm hungry." The beggar pointed to his body and said, "Look at the clothes I'm wearing, anyone can tell that I'm a beggar. It's hard to get food in this weather. I can't bear the hunger so I'd rather die." Yasmine touched her pocket and found that she didn't have any money with her. In a hurry, she took off the earrings her mother had left her. "Take this. You should be able to sell it for money. Don't follow me anymore."

The beggar took her earrings and weighed them. He shook his head and said, "No, this earring is only enough for me to live for another ten days at most. What should I do after that ten days? I will be thinking of death again at that time."

Yasmine was a little annoyed. "Do you really want to die? Was your life that good to begin with?"

"I used to live a worse life, but I didn't think of getting rid of my life before, but now, I think of it."

"Since you have never thought about it before, then why do you want to die now? Even if life is tough and full of challenges, you still have to continue living. There will always be a way out. It's not for sure that you will starve to death in ten days time. You can use the money you've gotten from selling the earrings to buy lottery tickets. Maybe you will win millions of dollars, and you can live a good life from then on. If you can live to the age of 100 years old, then please don't let your life end at 60."

The beggar smiled and said, "Miss, you're quite good at persuading people. Then why do you want to die? I've been struggling for my life until I'm 60 years old. How old are you? What have you gone through that you have to die?"

Yasmine had no answer to his question. After a short moment of silence, she had already given up the idea of ending her life and sobbed as she said to the beggar, "Thank you, you are a good person." "Haha, I don't want to be a good person. At this time, good people can't even fill their stomachs, whereas evil people can live freely."

"If you're hungry, please come to the Mansion House to look for me. You just need to mention my name. I'm Yasmine Taylor."

The beggar smiled and nodded, "Well, you are a good person too."

Yasmine's nose twitched and she couldn't say anything. She was indeed a good person, but good people could also be evil sometimes.

"I'm leaving then. Please take care of yourself."

"Okay, take care of yourself too."

Yasmine took a few steps and suddenly turned her head back. She said apologetically, "Mister, could you please give me back the earrings that I gave you just now?"

"Ah? Why? I'll starve to death."

"That's the only gift my mother left for me. I was eager to give it up just now and thought that it wouldn't matter if I had it or not, but now..."

"Haha, I understand. I'll give it back to you."

The beggar handed the earrings back to her. Yasmine looked at his thin and frail body and felt very sorry for him. "Why don't you come back with me and I'll give you some money."

"There's no need. You're not in a good mood now. I'd better look for you at the mansion some other day."

"That will do."

After bidding goodbye, Yasmine's figure soon disappeared in the vast night. The beggar smiled gratifiingly and then walked away in the opposite direction.

Upon returning home, Yasmine's in laws were startled when they saw their daughter-in-law who was soaking wet. Titus Simons was very confused, but Madam Simons kind of knew what had happened.

She went upstairs and shut herself up in the room. Her mother-in-law followed her into the room. She was distressed and reached out to touch her cheek. "Did he find out about everything?"


Yasmine burst into tears without saying a word.

"Then what are you going to do?"

"I don't know. Mom, I don't know what to do now."

"Promise me that you must be strong. If you give up now, then you mean that you are giving up completely."

"I can hold on, but he won't forgive me. He now hates me to the core."

"Then you have to double your love for him. No matter what kind of situation it is, love is the best way to resolve hatred."

Love was the best way to resolve the hatred. This was Yasmine had always lived by. She could use love to break down the hatred of others, but who could do that for her? Who could help her to break down her own hatred?

As she had expected, Sebastian Simons did not come back for the whole night. She sat alone for an entire night and thought about a lot things. In the end, she had decided to resolve Sebastian's hatred with her love as what her mother-in-law had said.

She called him, but the phone was turned off, so she went to the company to find him. However, she was told that she could not go in without the president's permission.

Sebastian had showed his standpoint through his attitude. Yasmine left dejectedly. After work in the evening, she came to the company again and wanted to wait for her husband. However, she did not see Sebastian coming out after waiting for two hours.

Fortunately, she met Fynn Jaymond.

"Madam, are you waiting for President Sebastian?" Fynn came forward and asked.

"Yes, has he gotten off work?"

"You don't need to wait any longer. President Sebastian left the company at around 3 o'clock."

"Where did he go?"

"I'm not sure, but now should be the most dreadful period for him." Fynn glanced meaningfully at Yasmine and said, "Maybe you should give him some time to calm himself down."

Yasmine nodded in disappointment and turned away with a haggard look. Behind her, there was a pair of cold eyes staring at her from a high place.

At the extravagant Royal Rose, Sebastian, Marcus Zaneson and the others were in a private room, playing finger-guessing game and drinking. Some of Sebastian's friends did not even notice the coldness in his eyes. Jeremy Urs was still shouting, "Let ask for some girls. I heard that a batch of beauties have just come in recently."

Kaleb Lorris echoed, "That's right. If there are no newcomers still, I'll have to move to another place then."


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