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The Seventh Miserable Bride novel Chapter 96

A small syringe was pressed against her forehead. Sebastian said coldly, "Did you think that the bottle really contained acid? If it really was, wouldn't I be letting you both go too quickly? Don’t be afraid. I won't kill you straight away. I won't let you die just like this..."

He took a step forward, leaned towards her ear and said, "I will make your life a living hell."

After saying this, he left the room with the group of people. The originally terrifying room suddenly became silent. When Linda regained consciousness, she burst into hysterical cries, breaking the silence.

"Mom, is my face disfigured? Do I look like a ghost?"

She lost control and began shouting. Dorothy hugged her and said, "No, your face is still fine. It wasn’t acid in the bottle, just plain water."

The mother and daughter hugged each other and cried bitterly. Even up to this point, they still didn't feel guilty for what they did to Yasmine, but only endless fear.

When they got home, Henry saw the whip wounds on his wife's body and asked in horror, "What happened?"

"Honey, we're doomed. Let's run away from here..." "Run away? Why should we run away?" Henry still did not know what happened.

"Sebastian won't let us go. He’ll think of ways to deal with us. He said that he wants to make our lives a living hell..."

"Why? We didn't offend him. Why did he say that?"

Dorothy and Linda did not tell Henry about their kidnapping of Yasmine, so he had no clue.

Seeing that it could not be kept a secret anymore, she told Henry the whole story in full detail. When Henry heard it, he suddenly shouted, "Are the two of you brainless? Why did you provoke Yasmine? Do you think she's still the kid you used to bully in the past?"

Dorothy burst into tears and said, "How would we know that Sebastian would interfere in this matter? We just couldn’t bear the shame after being humiliated by her..."

"You have to bear it even if you can't. So what if she hit you and Linda that day? It’s nothing compared to the number of times you hit her in the past."

"She not only hit us! She even brought people to destroy our house!"

Linda could not take it any longer and roared.

"Just let her destroy it. Didn't I tell you to forget about it? Why didn't you listen to me? Why were you so stupid, kidnapping her and even hitting her?!"

"It's all because we didn't expect Sebastian to get involved in this matter."

"Why won't he get involved? That's his wife. As a man, he won’t turn a blind eye when his wife gets abused!" Dorothy raised her chin and asked as if she had found a reason, "Yes, a man will not turn a blind eye. Now your wife has been abused by someone. What are you going to do?"

Henry stamped his foot. "You asked for it!"

With a headache, he sat on the sofa. He pulled his hair with both hands, having sensed that he had offended a very important person. He was afraid that he would have a hard time in the future.

Dorothy walked over defeatedly and said, "Honey, is it that serious? Why don't we pack our stuff and run away? It's more important to save our lives first."

At this point, there was nothing he could do even if he was really angry. Since things had already happened, staying here would only be a dead end. After a long silence, he said sadly, "We’ll leave in three days. In these three days, let me deal with the funds."

Sebastian kept his promise and returned to the hospital before dark. He bought a bouquet of fiery red roses. This was the first time he bought flowers for Yasmine and he was even more excited than the person whom the flowers are for.

When he opened the door, his face sank. He saw the last person he wanted to see, sitting by Yasmine’ s bed. It was Scott Jules, who still had a crush on Yasmine.

"Why are you here?"

Sebastian questioned unhappily.

Scott stood up, glanced at Yasmine, who was still sleeping and whispered, "I'm here to see her." "I’ll take care of her. You can go now."

He ordered the guest to leave relentlessly. He felt very uncomfortable recalling the moment he saw Scott stroking his wife's face.

Seconds later, Scott walked towards the door. When he walked past by Sebastian, he suddenly stopped and said, "If you can't protect her, let her go as soon as possible. There’s someone else who can give her peace and happiness."

Sebastian could not take it anymore. He reached out his hand to grab his collar, pressed him against the wall and warned, "If you dare have any inordinate affection for my wife again, don't blame me for being rude."

Scott was not easy to deal with. He grabbed Sebastian's collar and said with a grin, "My feelings for her aren't a secret. I knew her before you did, and you were just luckier than me that she chose you."

Bang! Sebastian punched Scott in the face. Scott wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and punched back. When the fight was about to break out, Yasmine was awakened. She shouted with some effort, "Are you two going to put on a fight in front of an ill patient?"

The two of them were stunned. They suppressed their resentment and glared at each other. Sebastian walked over to Yasmine and sat down. "It's all right. Go back to sleep."

She raised her eyebrows grumpily and said, "Are the both of you going to continue to fight if I go back to sleep? In this very room, with the ‘be silent’ sign?" Upon hearing this, Scott gave her a purposeful look, turned around and left.

When the ward became quiet again, Yasmine felt bad and reached out to stroke Sebastian's face. She reprimanded him angrily, "You’ re already an adult but still behave like an impulsive child, always wanting to start a fight with others."

"He asked for it. When I entered, he was touching you just like how you're touching me right now. How can I tolerate that?"

"He was just touching my face. It’s nothing much."

"It’s nothing much? He touched your face today. Who knows what he’ll do tomorrow?"

Sebastian was obviously very angry. "Hey, Yasmine, why are you always favoring that Jules guy? Do you have feelings for him?"

"You’re jealous again."


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