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The Seventh Miserable Bride novel Chapter 98

Henry was sent to jail due to strong evidence against him. Sebastian used his connections to track down the nurse he bribed in the past and took back the construction contract that he secretly sold. Shortly after, the creditors came to collect debts, one after another. All their bank accounts were frozen and their house was confiscated by the court. Dorothy and her daughter became homeless beggars overnight.

The two of them went to their relatives and friends to ask for help, but when their relatives and friends saw them, they avoided them. The most terrible thing was that their unpaid employees even threatened that as long as they found them, they wanted them to pay their debts with their lives.

Linda and her mother hid and lived a pathetic life that they had never experienced in their life. Finally, Linda could not take it anymore. She cried and said to Dorothy, "Mom, let's go and beg Yasmine for mercy. I can't live a life like this."

Dorothy shook her head helplessly. "She hates us so much, she’ II never forgive us. Besides, I can’t swallow my pride and beg for her mercy."

"Mom, now that even our meals are a problem, what's the point of having dignity? Hurry up and go. If you can't let go of your dignity, then I'll go alone."

Dorothy struggled for a long time before finally agreeing to her daughter's proposal. She came to the Mansion House shamelessly. In the evening, the family sat around the table for dinner. The doorman reported, "Sir and Madam, Henry's wife and daughter asked to see Young Madam."

Yasmine looked up and was a little surprised, but she immediately calmed down.

A cold smile appeared on Sebastian's face. "Finally, they're here."

He got up and said, "Let them in."


Dorothy came to the living room with her daughter while trembling with fear, but she did not dare to step in. Sebastian put a bun under his feet and stepped on it a few times. Then he walked to the door and threw it over, saying, "Beggars. I've given you food. Get out of here."

Yasmine, who was standing behind Sebastian, saw his move. Knowing that he was avenging her, she was touched.

"We want to see Yasmine."

Although Linda was very angry being humiliated, she endured the humiliation because she was the one asking for a favour now.

Yasmine stepped forward slowly and asked, expressionless, "Why do you want to see me? I'm not someone who sees just anyone."

The mother and daughter quickly went forward and knelt down. Dorothy took the lead and said, "Yasmine, I was wrong. I'm sorry. I know that I have made a mistake. I confess my mistakes to you. Please have mercy. Please ask Sebastian to let your father out and let our lives go back to normal, okay?"

Ha! Yasmine seemed to have heard the most ridiculous joke in the world. "If I let your life go back to normal, who will pay for my mother's life? Do you think you can make up for what you've done just by saying sorry? In the end, you have to pay for what you did. If you had known this, why did you do it in the first place?"

She turned around coldly and wanted to enter the house, but Linda held on to her leg to prevent her from leaving. "Sister, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. Please forgive us. Since we are still related by blood, please have mercy on us!"

"Sorry? Don't you think it's too late for you to apologize? It doesn't matter if you're sorry. Besides, I feel extremely ashamed to have blood relations with you."

"Then, what can we do to earn your forgiveness?"

Dorothy was begging, no longer as imposing as she used to be.

Yasmine thought for a moment and said word by word, "Go to my mother's tomb, kneel there for three days and three nights. When my mother forgives you, I’ll naturally forgive you."

Their faces turned darkened. Linda could not help but ask, "Are you making things difficult for us? How could a dead person speak?"

"It’s your choice whether to go or not. If you go, you may still have a glimpse of hope. If you don't, you’ll have no hope at all."

Yasmine was too fed up to talk to them and she looked impatient.

"Okay, we’ll go. We'll go right now."

Dorothy took her daughter along and left. After thinking for a while, she turned around and suggested, "Can you send us some meals? We..."

"Don't worry. I'll send three people to keep an eye on you day and night in order to prevent being cheated by you. I won't let you starve to death before you can atone for your sins,"

Sebastian announced solemnly. After hearing his words, the mother and daughter's faces changed again and they left in a hurry unwillingly.

Just so they could live a comfortable life like they used to, Dorothy and her daughter really came to Tanya’s tomb. They took a deep breath and knelt down. One day, two days and then three days passed. After the third day, they could not stand up anymore. Their knees were so painful, it was as if they were stuck to the ground. Every movement brought about tremendous pain, like a layer of their skin was being torn off.

Yasmine and Sebastian came to the tomb. When Yasmine saw the mother and daughter in a pathetic state, she finally let out a sigh of relief. Sebastian threw a card in front of Linda and said, "This is what your sister asked me to give you out of kindness. You can get lost with your mother with this money. From now on, don’t ever step into City B, or you’ll be in big trouble!"

Dorothy picked up the card on the ground and asked, "What about my husband?"

"Don't be too greedy. If your husband is safe and sound, how can the person lying underground rest in peace?"

Linda seemed to have something to say, but her mother pinched her hard before she could say anything. The mother and daughter tried their best to get up and then left.


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