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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 542

“As long as Miss Porter is willing to collaborate, I am sure I will be able to contact them.”

“Are you threatening me?” Sabrina let out a cold laugh. “This must be the funniest joke I’ve heard all year. Do you know what I do?”

“Even if I didn’t know what you do, Miss Porter, but I know Mr. Porter and the people he worked with back in Riverdale. I have a good guess.”

“Then, you must be looking for trouble.”

“No. It is exactly what I want to discuss with you,” Julian said without batting an eyelid. He pushed his glasses into place and turned around, looking at Sabrina. “The pharmaceutical company under the Burton Group has always been looking to expand business abroad. I’ve got the formula and you have the connections. It’s a win-win situation. This is the collaboration I’m talking about.”

“As I know, the Burton Group does not need to take on such a huge risk to increase revenue.”

“No one would think too much money is bad. Of course, I have a personal request to ask of you.”

She frowned at his words. “What request?”

“The two people you want to catch, right? I want one of them.”

Julian’s voice resounded in the car, filled with assurance.

He had enough confidence that Sabrina would agree to his request and choose to work with him.


After Justin woke up, they continued staying on Idyll Mountain to nurse his injuries.

This private residence of Mr. Keaton’s was not far from the Idyll Vacation Villa. One could see the main building where the banquet was held from the balcony. However, part of the villa was blocked off for reconstruction.

“Lush Enterprise announced to the public that the wedding is complete. After both families had formed the marriage alliance, Mrs. Bennett started using Lush’s resources and worked with the Grandeur Group.”

Rachel was holding a magazine with great referencing value, analyzing the recent financial and economic trends of Enistan.

Justin was drinking tea by the window. When he heard that, he glanced at Rachel and said, “It should be safer now. I should try contacting Frankie and ask what happened that day.”

“No, you can’t.”

Nathan’s firm voice came from the living room.

He was washing fruits in the kitchen, but now he had half his body poking out from behind the door. He said coldly, “Do not simply contact anyone outside; if not, you would bring danger to Miss Hudson.”

In other words, if Justin wanted to look for trouble, he could, but he could not put Rachel in danger too.

He made a wry face. “We’ve been here for a week now. It shouldn’t be a problem.”

No matter how powerful the Porter’s were, Enistan was not their territory. They were only here to escape for a while. How could they look for Justin and Rachel everywhere?

However, Nathan was adamant. “If you want to contact the outside world, sure, but you must leave this place first. I promised my master that I will ensure Miss Hudson’s safety here.”

Without a choice, Justin shrugged his shoulders toward Rachel.

He had to admit that it was risky contacting Frankie now, yet they could not keep staying there.

Rachel hesitated for a bit and stated to Nathan in the kitchen, “Nathan, it’s time for me to leave.”

Stunned, he raised his head from behind the glass windows.

Rachel had been mulling over this last night. She even discussed it with Justin before bringing it up with Nathan.

She and Justin could not stay in Enistan forever. If the Porters wanted to avenge Dillon, they might look for Justin and Rachel’s friends and family in Riverdale. They had to return as soon as possible, regardless of whether to warn their loved ones or look for Janice’s protection.

Nathan brought out the washed fruits. “Here’s some fruit, Miss Hudson.”

“Thank you.” Rachel’s voice was filled with appreciation. “Nathan, I’m thankful for your care. If it wasn’t for you, we wouldn’t know where to hide. We could have been caught earlier on.”


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