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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 543

“There’s someone following us.” Rachel pulled on Justin’s sleeve with her trembling arms.

He held onto her hand and assured, “Don’t worry. I’m here.” His voice was quiet and it calmed her down.

They walked toward the crowd acting like they did not notice the person behind them.

“There’s more than one,” she softly reminded him.

He had noticed that more eyes were on them through the mirror beside him. They were following and getting closer to them.

Still, Justin held his cool. He was sure that the Porters did not dare to catch them in public spaces. Since they were in Enistan, it was their safe harbor and they would not want to garner unwanted attention.

With the amount of people in the airport, those following them could not get too close to them. As a result, they went to different elevators in the airport and went in all directions to shake the majority of them off their tails.

Finally, they found a smoking lounge and ducked in quickly. Justin backed Rachel up against the wall and covered her using his body. The followers passed by without seeing them and they both let out a breath of relief.

“Let’s stay here till we have to go for the security check.” Rachel took a good look around. There were not many people here as only the whiff of tobacco filled the room.

Justin nodded.

Hence, they waited until the announcement for their flight could be heard. They left the smoking lounge and rushed to the security checkpoint and managed to get on the plane at the very last second of its closing.

The airplane took off flying through the skies of Enistan Airport, leaving a white trail of clouds toward Riverdale.

Looking at the clouds outside, Rachel finally felt relieved; her anxious heart had finally settled down.

“Were you scared?” Justin asked with worry.

She shook her head. “I’m okay.”

The only thing that scared her was his hand.

She looked down and her gaze fell on his bandaged hand. His fingers used to be slender and clean, but now they had a defect. It was hard for her to look at it.

He knew what she was thinking though. Using the bandaged hand, he took hold of her hands. “I think it’s perfect now.”

Rachel was perplexed.

He explained, “As long as it doesn’t affect the quality of life, it’s fine. You don’t need to take it to heart. Do you remember the scar on my face?”

She nodded. How could she forget?

He continued, “Twenty years ago during the forest fire, even though we split apart, my face was scarred. However, I refused to accept any treatment for it.”

The scar was meant to commemorate her.

He did not know if Katie was alive. That scar was the only thing connecting him and Katie. So, he had to keep it as a reminder to avenge her.

Rachel did not say anything, but her heart ached for him.

When Gloria first arrived at Riverdale six years ago, she told Rachel about the scar’s history. At first, Rachel did not know that she was Katie. She even envied that little girl who died and was touched by Justin’s friendship with Katie.

“What about now? I’m still alive and well, but you’ve lost a finger.”

Looking at the situation now, his amputated finger could no longer be reattached.

He held her tightly, “Sometimes, things may get lost, but I’ve found something much more important.”

Rachel was stunned. The man in front of her had always stuck to his belief; never once had he changed.

That day when he fainted in the forest on Idyll Mountain from excessive loss of blood, it was the first time she felt such unbearable fear. It was like her heart had been dug out and her blood was drained little by little. She had never felt such despair.

“Let’s stay a little longer in Riverdale this time.”

She whispered while looking at his face, “We should stay with Charlotte more.”

Justin nodded in agreement.


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