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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 551

The next day, Rachel followed the proprietress into the mountain early in the morning. The proprietress was wearing boots and carrying a small bamboo basket on her back.

“Perfect time to pick some mushrooms, don’t you think? We’ll make mushroom stew tonight; it will be so delicious!”

The proprietress continued talking without giving Rachel time to respond, “Anyways, everyone in the town knows there are many paths to go up the mountain; after all, this is a large forest, and it is quite impossible to cordon the area off completely. But there was a big fire more than 20 years ago, and nearly one-third of the mountain area was burned. So it took many years for the trees to grow again, so we locals cherish the forest and the mountain a lot.”

After a short pause, she explained the locals’ behavior, ”We want to preserve them, unlike the foreign tourists who would try everything they can to enter the mountain using small trails. So, you can imagine why locals had a great aversion toward those tourists. There was even a time when the locals would report the tourists when they saw them strolling in this area.”

Rachel was inattentive until she heard the word “fire” she regained her senses. “Ma’am, do you still remember where the fire first started?”

“I don’t. I mean, who else can remember? It’s been so many years, and the trees have even grown.” Rachel was a little disappointed when she heard that—it would mean that it was almost impossible for her to find her old address.

The proprietress introduced Rachel to the various specialties in the mountain along the way. “This kind of wild matsutake sells for a high price in the market; you’re lucky if you’re able to see one. I used to enter the mountain to pick these mushrooms; all the children in the mountain know how to do that.”

Rachel nodded and said, “Yeah, my mother used to remind me to cover the original position with moss after picking the mushrooms, so we don’t damage the surrounding environment. The mushrooms will grow back in the same position in the coming year.”

“Same! That’s what my mother taught me too! Speaking of which, how’s your mother?”

“She passed away.” Rachel tried smiling politely, but the sadness in her eyes and how her face slightly stiffened at the abrupt question betrayed her.

The proprietress paused awkwardly as she realized that she had accidentally rubbed salt in Rachel’s wound. “I’m sorry, Miss. I shouldn’t have poked into your past.”

“It’s alright; my mother passed away many years ago in that fire.”

“The fire from twenty years ago?” The proprietress was startled at the information. “No wonder you asked about the place where the fire broke out. Are you looking for the place you used to live?”


The proprietress sighed. “It’s going to be a difficult one for you.”

“It’s okay. I’ll take a look around myself.”

“Don’t go too far—you will get lost.”


While the proprietress was busy picking portobello mushrooms, Rachel climbed over a small hillside alone, walked through the lush green forest, and searched for any familiar place from her memory. Rachel just felt a sense of familiarity in the area—she knew it was strange to even think about it because the trees did not look different from one another.

She hiked to the top of a small hill and glanced down. Whatever she saw next left her in a trance—it was 8.00 or 9.00AM, and the sun had already risen very high. She could hear the birds constantly chirping in the woods. From the position she was standing, she saw a group of mountains connected to one another in the distance; the shape of the connected mountains made her think of a rabbit who was fast asleep.

The moment the phrase crossed her mind, she heard her mother’s voice. “Little Bell, can you still find your way back home if you get lost in the mountain after picking mushrooms?”

“Of course, I can!”

“But the mountain is so vast! How can you do that?”

“That’s because my house is right under the bunny ears!” Bunny ears? They’re just right there! I can’t believe my instincts guided me back home.

Rachel hurriedly took a few steps forward to have a clearer look—alas, there was no trace of her former home; the fenced yard and thatched hut that existed in her memory were no longer to be seen. What was left was a small bare slope, though the surrounding trees were very lush. She touched a cedar trunk; slowly, an indescribable feeling brewed in her heart.

“Wait for me!” Suddenly, she heard a crisp female voice, and immediately she thought she was hallucinating.

“What’s the matter with you? I told you to wait for me! I can’t walk anymore!”

It was only when she heard the voice the second time that she realized the voice did not come from her memory. She instantly turned around and saw two figures in the woods walking in her direction. The man’s figure was tall and majestic, and he gave off an aura of familiarity.

“Don’t follow me if you can’t hike. Just go back to the motel first.”

“No, I want to find my sister before you do!”

“Then, you shouldn’t be walking behind me.”


Before Justin could even respond, it was as though he felt something and somehow raised his head—standing right there on a small slope was Rachel. Justin’s eager gaze met Rachel’s through the trees and dead leaves and the chirps of cicadas and birds.

“Rachel!” Justin walked toward her quickly and hugged her tightly, fearing that she was only a mere figment of his imagination. It was freezing in the woods in the morning, but she did not wear many clothes. His hug was like a heater; it warmed not only her arms but also her heart.


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