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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 552

Rachel and Justin were sitting side by side on the slope and talking when they heard a shriek from behind. “Aaaahhhhh—”

At once, they turned, stood up, and hurriedly ran in the direction where they heard the scream, only to see Regina fall into a half-human tall pit screaming in utter terror, “Aaaahhhhh—”

The proprietress could not find Rachel because of how huge the forest was, but Regina’s scream helped her locate Rachel accurately. A few minutes later, the three of them worked together to pull Regina out of the pit as she continued wailing in pain even when she finally sat on the ground safely. “Sis, I think I have a broken leg.”

“Where? I feel like you might have twisted your foot, but let me check.” Rachel sat down next to Regina and started pressing Regina’s ankle gently to see which part of the bone was fractured. No matter where Rachel pressed, she still cried at the top of her lungs.

“No, my leg is broken; it hurts so much.” Regina felt so much pain that she gasped and repeatedly mumbled the same words. However, Rachel thought it was more likely that Regina was still in shock due to the fall.

Rachel had no choice but to let Justin carry Regina on his back. Nevertheless, she planned to have Regina check her foot in the hospital after they arrived at the town.

Even on the way down, they could still hear Regina grunting in pain from time to time. “Is it really that painful?” Justin could not help but ask; in fact, he was not a patient man except toward Rachel and his own children.

Regina was very dissatisfied that he doubted her that she yelled at him, “Try falling into a pit! Then, you’ll know if it really hurts!”

“I won’t voluntarily jump into a pit; I have eyes,” he retorted.

“As I said, the pit was being covered initially!’

As the conversation heated up, Rachel frowned and interrupted, “Okay, that’s enough. Stop arguing and rest for a while.”

Rachel’s response made Regina feel aggrieved, so she pouted and asked, “You’re my sister; how can you help outsiders?”

Rachel chose to ignore Regina—she never admitted to being Regina’s sister. Instead, she turned to the proprietress and asked, “Ma’am, what’s the deep pit doing there?”

The proprietress explained, “Well, it is a hunting trap set by the villagers in town to catch hares and other small animals. That’s another reason why we locals don’t recommend tourists to get into the mountain—for safety reasons. Also, this area is not developed; if you’re unfamiliar with the area, you’ll often miss your footing and fall into the pit.”

Rachel nodded in response. “I see.”

Once they reached the town, the proprietress guided the three to the town hospital. By then, Regina’s ankle was already swollen; Rachel was right in her assumption that she had twisted her ankle during the fall.

Justin saw her swollen ankle and was surprised. “So, it’s real?” Regina’s face turned red in fury due to the surprise in his voice. “Do you really think I would lie about things like this?”

“Don’t move.” Rachel saw Regina getting agitated, so she promptly held Regina’s shoulder to make her stay still so that the doctor could apply medicine to the ankle.

“Done,” the doctor said calmly after applying some medicine. “It’s not a serious injury, but try not to walk with this foot for the next two days. I have prescribed some medicine to promote blood circulation, so the bruise would fade over time. One is to be taken orally, and the other is to be applied externally. Rest for a week or so.”

“Thank you, doctor.”

“You’re welcome.”

The three left the town hospital with an extra wheelchair. After Regina hurt herself, she was listless compared to how she was in the morning; she was sitting in a wheelchair, looking like a wilted flower.

“Where are you both staying?” Rachel asked.


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