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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 553

Caught off guard, Rachel met Justin’s eyes.

Before they could formulate an answer, another staff member said confidently, “Don’t you see it? It’s obvious they’re a couple, but their immature sister-in-law wanted to tag along. She wants to stay with her sister now that she’s injured.”

“But they don’t look alike at all. She looks like she’s from abroad,” the first staff member refuted.

“The pretty lady is called Regina Hudson. Didn’t you hear what Miss Hudson addresses her as?”

Rachel checked in yesterday, so the staff all knew her. Also, she introduced Regina to the rest before dinner, so they were obviously family based on their names. Besides, Regina also kept calling Rachel her sister.

The only thing that they were curious about was Regina’s looks. She looked like she was from abroad and was as pretty as a doll.

“The barbeque is ready. Let’s eat.” Justin knew Rachel did not want to stay on the topic, so he changed it.

However, Rachel answered them, “She’s my half-sister. We have different moms.”

Her candid answer left the staff dumbstruck.

The owner shot daggers at the two staff members in displeasure and chided, “The food can’t stop you lot from talking, huh? You know you’re not allowed to ask about the customer’s privacy.”

“It’s okay.” Rachel smiled.

The owner felt sorry for Rachel as she discovered that Rachel’s mother had passed away when she was younger. Considering Rachel’s age, she figured that if Regina was Rachel’s sister, they were probably half-sisters. That was why she didn’t inquire further.

Alas, she did not expect her staff to be so dense as to keep asking.

“Everyone, let’s eat.”

“Yea, yea. We should eat.”

Luckily, Rachel had a good personality. Without Regina by the side picking on the food, the meal went smoothly.

On the other hand, Regina was lying on the bed alone, staring at the ceiling and gritting her teeth. She was sure that Justin was the reason why Rachel did not welcome her with open arms. So, she had to think of a way to get rid of him. Just then, she whipped out her phone and dialed a number. “Hello? When are you guys arriving?”

The person on the other end of the phone tried to answer.

“Hurry up! When you’re here, find a place and hide first. Don’t come to me yet, or else they’ll know.” It was better to let sleeping dogs lie. It would affect her and Rachel’s relationship if they were discovered.

Kinship was a magical thing. Regina had never met Rachel, yet she felt a natural affinity with her. It could be due to the fact that Regina did not have siblings growing up, so she liked the idea of a big harmonious family. She was determined to bring Rachel back home with her.

Rachel was planning on staying in Somerset Mountain for a bit more.

“There’s nothing much happening in Riverdale, and the company’s running smoothly. If you’re worried, I can get Frankie to help out. It won’t be a problem,” Justin offered.

“Yea. It’s fine. I’ve talked to Mr. Carter. He’ll be helping me supervise the company.”

“That’s good. Did you manage to contact Jolly?”

“Not yet. It’s better not to, in case her whereabouts are exposed.”

After lunch, they were strolling in town and casually chatting. Even though he did not mention it, Justin would stay a few more days with Rachel. He didn’t feel at ease leaving her alone.

“So, what are you going to do with Regina?” he asked.


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