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The Soldier's Unsurpassable Honor novel Chapter 1762

The First Elder did not hesitate for long. Soon, he gathered the other elders and the pavilion master.

The pavilion master of the Bloodshed Clan and the elders had puzzled expressions on their faces. Some of them were busy training while some were prepared to go to sleep. They could not understand why the First Elder would gather them so late in the evening.

"First Elder, what's going on? It's late at night and everybody is prepared to rest. Why did you wake us up?" The pavilion master looked at the First Elder and asked puzzlingly.

He understood well that the First Elder was a person who acted extremely cautiously. Something huge must have happened if he suddenly gathered them so late at night. If not, based on the First Elder’s characteristics, he would not have done this!

The First Elder smiled bitterly before he explained to the group of people there." Pavilion master, I would not have gathered everybody here if it wasn't a serious matter. The issue this time is really shocking I’m sure that everybody has heard about the legend of the abandoned world, right?"

The Second Elder directly said with a smile, "Definitely! Around six months ago, didn't several people from the abandoned world enter this area? It all happened because the elder of the Pavilion Billow Cloud from the Anti-Alliance Guard got into the mood and wanted to make a trip outside. He happened to meet those people at the entrance and led those people in. Due to this matter, we, the members of the Alliance Guard, even condemned them for their actions.”

The Second Elder paused here before he said with a lament expression on his face," However, this matter was silently dismissed as those people who came in were young and did not have a high fighting prowess. Certainly, we agreed because those people agreed that they aren’t returning to the abandoned world!"

The Third Elder frowned and thought about it before he said, "First Elder, why are you bringing this matter forward? Could it be that those people are geniuses and have improved speedily? However, those people used to train at places without much Chi and it is natural for them to feel like they've entered a new world when they suddenly arrive here. It is normal for their fighting prowess to have a sudden increase! There's no need for you to make a huge fuss over it!"

The Fourth Elder immediately shook his head and guessed. "This is impossible. If it's only such a minor issue, the First Elder would not make such a huge commotion and gather all of us here. On top of that, it's late at night. He could have just informed us about it during the meeting tomorrow. I think some other people from the abandoned world must have made their way into this area!"

Everybody inhaled after they heard this as they were obviously shocked by what the Fourth Elder said.

The Third Elder once again shook his head and said in disbelief, "There's a small possibility for that to be the case, right? Unless the previous incident re-occurred and the members of the Anti-Alliance Guard proactively went over to bring people here. The people from the abandoned world would need to gather all seven stone balls if they want to enter this area or they wouldn't have such an opportunity!"

"I have no idea how they actually came in!" The First Elder said while smiling bitterly when he saw how the people were making guesses. "What I know is that when our people went to the forest in front of the Nine Armies to search for spirited grass in order to complete the pavilion's task, they met these people and started a fight with them."

"Which people?" The pavilion master of the Bloodshed Clan had a deep frown on his face after he heard this. "It looks like a large number of people have entered our place. If it was a small number, isn't it

extremely easy for our disciples to kill those who are in the true god-level or semigod level?”


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