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The Soldier's Unsurpassable Honor novel Chapter 1783

All of a sudden, several members of the pavilion ran out of the forest, searching for the pavilion master and elders right after.

The Second Elder smiled indifferently and casually asked the disciples, "What happened? Did you guys come out to take a rest?”

They might have been tired due to slaying the outlanders from the abandoned world the whole day, coming to rest after all that.

Unexpectedly, one of the disciples, an old man in the Fourth-grade ultimate god level, struggled to catch his breath before replying, "No, pavilion master and elders. I have something to report. We noticed something was off, so we ran out!" "And what's that?" The First Elder frowned, sweeping his gaze across the disciples.

Only then did the old man say, "We... We discovered that many of our people died after fighting them. It's beyond our expectations to see three disciples in the Third-grade ultimate god level dead in one of our battlegrounds. There were also several disciples in the First and Second-grade ultimate god level who died. Several hundreds of our other disciples have also died, but only around a hundred of these outlanders had perished. However, none of their ceased disciples were in the ultimate god level!"

"What?!" Edward and the others were frightened to the core when they heard this. Based on their estimation, no nightmarish monster beast in this forest could kill a Bloodshed Clan disciple in the Third-grade ultimate god level.

It was even impossible that those from the abandoned world who entered the forest had such capabilities. Logically, a disciple with such fighting prowess should be able to do anything they want inside this forest.

However, three disciples with such fighting prowess had died, and this was just what their disciples saw. They still had no idea what happened in other fighting grounds.

"Curses! Why would something like this happen?" The Fourth Elder's expression seemed grim as he balled his fists. After all, disciples in the ultimate god level could be considered geniuses and important pillars to their pavilion The number of people in the ultimate god level was an important factor as to how strong a pavilion was.

The old man in the Fourth-grade ultimate god level continued, "Pavilion master, if our estimations are correct, the people from the Nine Armies must be secretly helping them to kill our people. How else would such a master be in the opponent's ranks?"

The First Elder’s facial expression immediately darkened as he spoke, "It seems as though the Nine Armies wore a facade in supposedly not doing anything, but they already have from the start. They secretly sent people into the forest to help these people. These people from the Nine Armies truly are cunning and calculative!"

The corners of Edward's mouth slightly twitched before he growled, "F*ck! The people of the Nine Armies are really cunning. They pretend like nothing is happening on the surface but secretly dispatch people to help the intruders. How utterly treacherous!"


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