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The Soldier's Unsurpassable Honor novel Chapter 1894

Once Fane’s words rang out, many eyes wandered toward his direction immediately. Sky Dull City was a haven for alchemists, and there were plenty of alchemists gathered here.

Even if the people who came here were not alchemists, they still knew plenty about the trade. Now that someone was calling himself a third-grade premium alchemist, everyone was practically sneering upon him.

Did he take them as uneducated idiots? Who were the third-grade premium alchemists? Not even two of them could be found in the entire Sky Dull City. Even if they were complete bullies, one must always treat third-grade premium alchemists with courtesy.

After all, third-grade premium alchemists could create pills that would help those in the soul-penetrating realm. Alchemy was a respected profession in the cultivation world, and a third-grade premium alchemist was the creme of the crop.

The people surrounded Fane tightly in a flash, all their eyes pinned onto him.

There were even some who began discussing in a loud voice. A middle-aged man with a little goatee spoke to Fane, "Did you eat some kind of crack, boy? Do you think that we don't know anything? You say you're a third-grade premium alchemist, and you think that we'll believe you after putting up a little sign to recruit disciples? Which third-grade premium alchemist doesn't go through years of practice? They wouldn't be as young as you."

These words incited the surrounding people to agree, and a few added on, "Don’t shoot yourself in the foot and become a laughing stock. Don’t think that you can just create a pill, call it a third-grade premium pill and we’ll believe you!"

"That's right! More than half of us here are alchemists. Maybe we’re not that well-versed in other matters, but we can definitely tell the grade of a pill."

It was evident that not a single person believed that the young, handsome man before them was a third-grade premium alchemist.

Fane turned a deaf ear to all their questions. He took out all his alchemy materials and began to create pills as everyone watched.

The first step to alchemy was to control the concoction's temperature; this was a skill that every alchemist must master first. Fane's technique was smooth, and he controlled the flame to a fine point after pouring the ingredients into the stove. Every single stalk of spirited grass melted into the concoction under the perfect temperature.

Most people could not perform this so smoothly. After all, upon a careful look, every spirited grass that Fane was using was third-grade!

Someone could not help but cry out when he saw the spirited grass that Fane was using. "My God! Look! Amplified spirited grass! Thousand-year corpse king flowers! Seven-color snow lotuses! This... Don't tell me he's creating a third-grade premium pill, the god-transfiguring pill!"

The people had plenty of knowledge, and Fane purposely chose one type of pill, so long as it was a third-grade premium pill that all alchemists would know about.

The formula for the god-transfiguring pill was not a secret. Everybody immediately understood which type of pill he was going to create after they saw the spirited grass and spirited flowers he was using.

"Is he serious!" The middle-aged man with a goatee spoke with a frown.

Everyone knew the formula to the godtransfiguring pill, however, knowledge was just knowledge. After all, it was a third-grade premium pill. Other than alchemists who were third-grade premium and above, no one else could create it.

"Don't tell me he’s just doing it for show. After all, which self-respecting third-grade premium alchemist would go on the streets to recruit disciples? If he was a true third-grade premium alchemist, he wouldn't be recruiting disciples on the streets-even if he just spread the word of intending to recruit disciples, people would be flooding his house!"


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