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The Soldier's Unsurpassable Honor novel Chapter 1901

The fighters who attacked the Nine Armies were all eliminated. Those who managed to escape were nothing but lowly minions. What would be Master Loader's and Master Mackenzie's expressions once they heard the news?

At that moment, Master Loader and Master Mackenzie were having drinks together in the Alliance Guard's base camp. They had received news of the victory and how Pavilion Billow Cloud was left with no survivors. It was good news for the Alliance Guard as if a clan stronger than the Nine Armies were eliminated, it was logical for them to think that they were able to eliminate the Nine Armies too.

After picturing Fane Woods dying at their hands, Master Loador could not help but

laugh gleefully. He raised his glass and clinked against Master Mackenzie’s.

“What did I say? That brat would surely die at our hands. There was no need to worry after all. He's only at the ultimate god level. No matter how strong he is, he will never win against someone from the soulpenetrating level," said Master Loader in a breezy manner.

Master Mackenzie nodded his head in agreement. "I couldn't agree more! They were truly making a fuss out of nothing. I don't care how much of a talented genius he is. He is a useless junk in my eyes as long as he doesn't advance."

The two of them laughed at what they had just said. After a while, Master Mackenzie suddenly asked, “Why is there still no news about the Nine Armies? What's taking them so long? Do you think they've run into some kind of problem?"

Master Loador shook his head at Master Mackenzie. “You should have more faith. They have probably met with some obstruction hence the delay in the news. But even so, I'm sure the obstruction is nothing they couldn't handle so don’t worry."

Master Mackenzie gently put down his glass and said with resignation in his voice, "It's not that I want to worry but I cannot get rid of this sudden anxious feeling."

Master Loador knitted his brows together, disapproving of how Master Mackenzie was making a big deal out of a small matter. "Enough! There's no need to get your knickers in a twist. I've already specially instructed the men from Blood Stalwart Pavilion to make sure Fane Woods is eliminated from the face of this earth!"

He then drank two big gulps from his glass and his cheeks started to flush red. "The Nine Armies are small fries compared to the Pavilion Billow Cloud and need I remind you that we've managed to eliminate the latter? So don't worry!"

Master Mackenzie nodded his head and chastised himself for needlessly worrying even though his heart was anxiously beating against his chest.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps could be heard and a small-eyed disciple crashed in. It was evident something big had happened based on his panicked look.

Master Loador furiously slammed down his glass on the octagonal table. "How dare you behave like this? What happened?!" he shouted angrily.

The small-eyed disciple dared not raise his head. His eyes were filled with panic and he gulped before answering, "We have received news that most of the men who were sent to take out the Nine Armies didn't make it back. Only one or two thousand of them managed to escape the slaughter.”

Upon hearing the news, both Master Loador and Master Mackenzie’s expressions turned ugly. Especially Master Loader’s, the shock caused his eyes to widen greatly. He slammed his hand on the table and roared furiously, "What did you just say?!"


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