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The Soldier's Unsurpassable Honor novel Chapter 1992

When Fane got back to his room, he immediately sent for Brook to do the exchange at the Seven Stars Hall. A runner disciple's duty was to run errands for the formal and informal disciples and Brook was considered a veteran in these matters. He quickly made his way to the Seven Stars Hall with Fane's jade identity card and spirited crystals, leaving Fane to wait for him to be back.

Fane could have gone to do the exchange himself but he did not like crowds. Besides, he was quite the celebrity amongst the informal disciples and it would be best to avoid getting into an argument with Wesley. He knew that Wesley would never let an opportunity of talking smack to him go and he did not want to waste his breath

on such a person.

Brook came back an hour later and gave Fane back his jade identity card which had been successfully updated with fifty contribution points. He looked at Fane with an expression hinting that he had something to tell him but did not know whether he should.

Fane raised his eyebrow. He invited Brook into his room and poured him some tea. " Spit it out, why don't you? Did you run into some trouble during the errand? Or did somebody bully you?"

Brook shook his head and accepted the tea from Fane. "I wasn't bullied. I've been in the Clan association for many years, and though the formal and informal disciples looks down on us runner disciples, they wouldn't dare to bully a veteran like me. It's just that I felt something was off when I was doing the exchange.

A hint of curiosity flashed across Fane's eyes and he waved for Brook to continue on. Brooke breathed in lightly and furrowed his brow. "I've done this kind of exchange many times before as all the new informal disciples would exchange their five hundred low-grade spirited crystals for the fifty contribution points the very next day after joining the Dual Sovereign Pavilion because it’s not as if they lack the spirited crystals to do it. The place to do the exchange is at the Seven Stars Hall assignment submission area and I'm very familiar with the person-in-charge."

"The person-in-charge? I thought all the assignment submissions were handled by the disciples?" asked Fane. To ensure that the disciples could earn contribution points, Dual Sovereign had set up different posts for the disciples to take up. Jobs like this were normally handled by a formal or informal disciple but judging by what Brook had said, the person in charge of the assignment submission did not seem to be a disciple.

One look at Fane’s expression and Brooke knew what he was confused about. He chuckled softly and said, "It’s true the Seven Stars Hall belongs to the Dual Sovereign Pavilion and its importance is only second to the Martial Art Techniques and Martial Skills Hall. Therefore, the posts there are not normally given to the disciples for fear they would embezzle the points. After all, contribution points could make or break a disciple's career here.

These positions are generally administered by the deacons personally. Each deacon has his own minor steward. These minor stewards are also former disciples, but their cultivation level has not yet reached the level of a deacon so they could only be minor stewards."

Ye Fan nodded in understanding. He was not very familiar with the administrators of the Dual Sovereign Pavilion. He knew that there were elders besides the heads. The elders were then divided into the formal elders and informal elders with the formal elder's qualifications and power much stronger than those of the informal elders. He also knew that the deacons held many important positions and some trivial matters were all placed under their jurisdiction. However the deacons could not handle everything without the help of the minor stewards and though the minor stewards’ status was a little lower than the disciples, they were still the management nonetheless.


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