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The Soldier's Unsurpassable Honor novel Chapter 1993

"The minor steward in charge of the assignment submission is Steward Fleming and he works under Deacon Ambrose. He immediately shook his head when he heard that I've gone there to exchange the five hundred low-grade spirited crystals for the contribution points. He said that the benefits did not apply for the new informal disciples this time and his expression was a little off when he said that," said Brook.

Fane furrowed his eyebrows. He recalled what Noel had said to him previously and still could not figure out what was going on. Maybe Noel was trying to tell him that the Dual Sovereign Pavilion was treating this batch of new informal disciples differently than all the previous batches.

Coupled that with what happened with the contribution points, Fane told himself he should be more cautious from now on.

Could it be that even the administrators deliberately looked down on their new batch of informal disciples? If that was the case, no wonder the older disciples looked down on this new batch of informal disciples so much. However, Fane did not really think that was the case. After all, the Dual Sovereign Pavilion was also ranked as the number one Clan association in West Cercie State. This kind of behavior would be frowned upon and create resentment in the new informal disciples.

Fane pointed to the fifty contribution points added to his jade identity card and asked, "How did you get these points if this year’s benefit has been canceled?"

We can thank Deacon Ambrose for that. I was about to give up because Steward Fleming was really insistent that the benefit had been canceled. However, Deacon saw your jade identity card in my hand just when I was about to leave and excitedly asked me what I was doing there. I explained everything to him and he instantly reprimanded Steward Fleming for speaking nonsense and that's how I've managed to get the points."

The lines on Fane's forehead became even deeper. Ambrose Adams left a good impression on him. The reason Ambrose had helped Fane grease the wheels a little must be because Fane had helped him out with Zeph and it was public knowledge that they were mortal enemies. Even so, if the benefit was really canceled, then what Ambrose did was break the rule and anything to do with the contribution points was a serious matter.

Ambrose would never openly violate the rules just to help Fane out. Besides, he said that Steward Fleming was speaking nonsense meaning to say that the benefit was not canceled at all. There must be a reason as to why Steward Fleming had said that. Trying to make heads or tails out of the whole situation was giving Fane a headache. He was feeling as if there was a thick pool of glue sloshing in his brain.

The whole thing was getting more and more complicated. No wonder Noel told him to put the whole matter aside if he could not figure it out, after all, his priority should be leveling up. Thus, with the newly gotten fifty contribution points in his card, he rushed to the Soul Hall again whereas usual, Noel was found sitting behind his long desk with a dead look on his face. He managed to come alive a little when he saw Fane entering the place.

Also, as usual, he asked Fane how many days he would like to stay there to which Fane answered by holding up five fingers. Then, he placed his jade identity card on the table. Noel heaved a sigh and with a face filled with admiration said, "I don't know what advice I can give to a genius like you. Your talent is truly enviable. You could not imagine how shocked the others would be if they knew that you've entered a difficulty level four Array Eye Door.”


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