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The Soldier's Unsurpassable Honor novel Chapter 2087

In the end, Albion was the one who spoke. He lowered his voice and spoke as he narrowed his eyes. "Brother Fane, what do you mean by saying that?"

Fane raised his eyebrows and did not plan to continue wasting time talking to them. He replied confidently," Leave that guy in the middle to me and you guys can focus on holding the others off." Fane pointed at Robin, who stood in the middle. His lengthy finger shone under the remaining light from the sun and looked powerful instead of showing off its delicateness.

Robin almost wondered if he has been experiencing hallucinations. If not, how did this guy dare say such absurd words? He was actually daring enough to challenge Robin for a duel. A person in the initial stage of innate level with clothes that obviously indicated his position as a disciple in a third-grade pavilion was actually daring enough to challenge him, someone, who was in the final stage of the innate level. On top of that, he was already in the completion stage of his innate level and was about to break through into the spring-solidifying realm after some time!

Derek laughed so loudly that he was unable to stand up straight. He pointed at Fane and said, "Young man, have you gone crazy? How dare you challenge our senior brother in a one-on-one duel! Who gave you the

courage to do that? Open your eyes and take a closer look! My Senior Brother Robin is in the final stage of the innate level. He's capable of defeating you singlehandedly. Do you even think that you can defeat him within a short period of time before coming at us? I've seen some idiots throughout the years but this is the first time I've seen someone as bad as you!"

Dudley and Damian also mocked Fane as they laughed. They poured tons of provocative words in his way. Compared to those four standing on the opposite side, Fane's side was very quiet. Everybody was staring at Fane in disbelief with their widened eyes. If Fane had not been acting normal previously, they would have started to wonder if he had gone crazy from the situation.

Jed’s breathing also quickened as he spoke. "Do you know what you are talking about? You plan to challenge somebody in the final stage of the innate level? Do you think that you're a master in the springsolidifying realm? You must have gone crazy!"

Fane glared at Jed. "I know my fighting prowess and you just need to obey what I said."

Jed breathed heavily when he heard this and his entire mind was filled with anger. Right now, his anger had even replaced his fear of death. He stretched out his trembling finger and pointed at Fane's face. "Eat some medication if you have gone crazy and please don't involve us in this muddled affair. We are capable of holding them back but on what grounds do you think that you're capable of

defeating Robin Mullins?!"

Fane looked past Jed, who was furious before his gaze landed on Dwight and Albion. The two of them seem to be quite calm when compared to Jed, who was acting like a crazy man. However, their calmness was just to prevent themselves from embarrassing Fane. They had suppressed all their doubts and speechlessness in their hearts. Fane looked at them and said, "Can you guys help to hold them off for 15 minutes. I might not need 15 minutes but you guys need to be able to hold them off... Can you do it?"

Dwight subconsciously exchanged glances with Albion. In Dwight’s opinion, what Fane said sounded ridiculous and he felt that Fane had gone crazy.

Dwight had unexplainable confidence toward Fane because of how they managed to get out of the Ten Absolutes Trap Array depending on Fane. However, there was not any basis for him to place his confidence in Fane under such circumstances.

Albion exhaled deeply as a darkened expression appeared on his face. He was thinking that their best bet right now was to let everybody get a chance at escaping. Staying back to fight those four seemed like a suicidal move.


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