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The Soldier's Unsurpassable Honor novel Chapter 2790

"What the hell is this?! Why is there so much purple mist? What is it trying to do?! Could this mist be poisoned? Will I die of poisoning here?!"

He had already let fear and shock fill up his heart. He did not even care for his own dignity anymore. He was terrified that he would die there. Fane did not say a single thing as thoughts flashed in his mind.

He still remembered what he read on the Purple Soul Plate. After winning, he would get a reward and be sent to the second location.


Suddenly, a howling wind could be heard next to him. The gust of wind came incredibly suddenly. Both Fane and Manfred lost their footing in the wind.

Thankfully, Fane was always on alert and was not blown to the ground.

Manfred was not that lucky. After the purple mist had surrounded Manfred, Manfred was only left with fear and shock in his mind. Manfred did not fall on the ivory floor of the Purple Soul Hall, but on mud instead.

Looking around, the ceiling of the Purple Soul Hall had turned into a blue sky. They were in a large valley, situated in the middle of it. Around them were large mountains.

Manfred mumbled to himself, "Where is this place?

Was I transferred?"

That thought also flashed in Fane's mind, but he discarded that notion after thinking about it for a moment. Fane was certain that he had not been transported. The whole time, space did not distort at all. It was his surroundings that changed, and not himself.


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