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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1129

The gray figures were hot on Austin's and the Nathan's heels. In this dangerous situation, Austin communicated with Nathan through their Soul Seas via spiritual sense, and asked him if he could still fight back.

But, when he saw that things were taking a turn for the worse, and that Nathan's condition was getting even worse, Austin decided to activate the City and immediately sent him inside to hide and recuperate.

As soon as he had transported Nathan and made sure that he was safe, he activated the Demonic Teleportation Skill!

Austin had already been running at a high speed, but once he activated the Demonic Teleportation Skill, a large amount of demonic energy suddenly burst out from his bones and flared into the air.

In a flash, his figure became blurred, as if he had entered a world of smoke and mirrors, which made it harder for the pursuing forces to track or follow him at all. He was even faster than the speed of light.

But that was not all. In the next instant, Austin just suddenly disappeared into thin air and had gone out of radar. It was just like magic.

Whoosh! With a powerful hissing sound, a figure suddenly materialized in a spot which was almost three thousand meters away from the palace, enveloped with a cloud of dust which was charged with demonic energy.

It was none other than Austin. In a blink of an eye, he was able to cover a distance large enough to throw off the pursuers from his tracks for now. At least he was able to buy some time to think and rest up a bit.

'Damn it! Those guys are insanely strong! They are like monsters that are not from this world!'

Austin exclaimed to himself after breathing a sigh of relief. Things about the fight just now still played out in his mind. He had to admit that all the people in that palace were hard nuts to crack.

He had been careful, but he was still shocked beyond belief that he and Nathan were nearly pinned down by the enemies despite the fact that they had fought side-by-side. After all, both of them were a force to reckon with! It was just upsetting and scary that their enemies were way stronger and better than the two of them!

On top of it all, the queen's strength was truly beyond Austin's expectations. What was even more surprising was that Austin could not tell exactly what her level was because the energy coursing through her body was simply limitless and infinite. The spiritual sense was Austin's specialty, but he had a feeling that his ability was just the tip of the iceberg compared to the queen's.

And the most baffling thing was that the queen had attacked the both of them without any reasons shortly after he and Nathan came face to face with her. Austin was quite sure that he hadn't crossed her before, so why would she act that way towards them? The hostility she displayed was just nerve wracking.

This was such a hard pill to swallow. Austin's brain was just about to explode thinking about all of these things.

While Austin mulled over the past events, a weak but distinct noise came from not far away from where he stood. The rustling sound became nearer and nearer as if a flock of birds were flying towards him. The hairs on the back of his neck suddenly stood up, a sign of approaching danger.

He quickly turned to look towards the sound's direction, and was shocked to see that those gray figures were coming at him at a great speed, like flying arrows. They were close enough now that he could already see their faces.

Austin groaned inwardly. The pursuing forces had caught up with him a lot sooner than he had imagined. Now, he doubted whether he could outrun them even if he used the Thunderbolt Movement Skill.

"Oh, come on! Couldn't you just leave me alone for just a few minutes?"

Austin smiled bitterly. He was running out of ideas already. Out of desperation, he took out the Dragon and Phoenix Chariot, and stepped into it.


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