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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1130

On the ground, the earth was heavily filled with vegetation, and the jungle was truly lush and green.

But then, Austin's attention zeroed in on the plants beneath him. Their color was perfectly fine, but they were all abnormally huge in size.

Most of the plants were not familiar to Austin. Some trees towered to about several thousand meters, whose dense canopy stretched out as far as thousands of miles and effectively blocked out the sunlight. They were like giant trees.

Even the grass grew to about dozens of meters tall. All of which were taller than Austin.

Austin guessed that he would look like a tiny ant amidst the grass down there, like getting lost in a forest of grass.

Flying slowly and carefully, Austin decided to take a tour around the area and tried to discover more about this strange place. The more he looked at the exotic plants, the more intrigued he was by this world. It just peaked his curiosity.

As someone who was already a high level pill refiner, he had certainly mastered a wide vocabulary about various herbal plants. But as he continued to fly around, Austin saw so many fantastic ones that he couldn't even recognize.

Could it be that he was no longer in the Prime Martial World?

It looked like a completely different and isolated world, as if he stepped in another planet. Was it possible that he had broken into one of the small alternate dimensions?

Austin suddenly lapsed into a deep thought as he tried to figure out his current situation.

He had heard rumors that there existed many relatively small and special worlds. Warriors in the Prime Martial World called them small alternate dimensions.

The Mysterious Nether World was a good example of such alternate dimensions. Austin had accidentally entered the Mysterious Nether World when he was still in the Violet Orchid Empire.

It was believed that there were some exceptional and unique species of animals and plants which only existed in some of those small alternate dimensions after a long stretch of isolation. And they were considered to be quite a prize.

Austin had proved this rumor to be true when he had entered the Mysterious Nether World before.

Now here he was again, looking at another world which contained quite a handful of unique species. Naturally, he would believe that he was in another small alternate dimension right now because of these evidences.

Austin kept flying aimlessly above the jungle for the next few minutes and was quite preoccupied to discover other unique things.

And suddenly, Austin slowed down and gasped in utter astonishment.

His eyes were glued to a strange looking little tree not far away from where he was. It was golden all over.

The tree was no more than two meters high, which was in fact rather small and seemed like a dwarf amidst the other giant trees which surrounded it. But it was fairly eye-catching. It shone like it was covered by glinting gold and sent out a dazzling golden light which was brighter than the sun.

The light was so strong that it penetrated through the layers upon layers of leaves from the tall trees. Despite its height, it seemed like it was the star of the show.

'Could it possibly be a grade ten Pure-gold Glinting Tree?'

Austin could hardly contain his excitement when he recognized the plant.

In fact, the Pure-gold Glinting Tree before him was a grade ten herbal material, and a powerful, extremely rare one. Austin had only heard about it, but had never actually seen it in real life.

Not only that, such tree was so uncommon in the whole Prime Martial World, to the extent that if one was actually discovered, people would go crazy and would fight to death just to claim it.

Who would have thought that Austin would be lucky enough to actually find one here.


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