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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1276

At this point of time, the whole of Purple Phoenix Holy Kingdom was overshadowed by a very uncomfortable blanket of air

just as the news from demon race's invasion hit every corner of the Purple Phoenix Holy Kingdom.

Everyone, from the ministers of royal family to civilians were shaken by the news. People all over the country were preoccupied thinking about the same thing, which was the imminent attack of demon race.

People were all jittery and nervous already. This brand new news only added fuel to all that.

The Southern Alliance army arrived in all grandeur and made the situation even more tense. They were stationed inside the Purple Phoenix Holy Kingdom and troops had been deployed near the border.

The rumor was that a couple of small countries nearby the Purple Phoenix Holy Kingdom had fallen prey to the feared demon race.

And demon army was stationed very close to the Purple Phoenix Holy Kingdom and they were ready to attack at any moment and destroy everything in their way.

Austin entered the Purple Phoenix Holy Kingdom and examined the place a little bit.

He learnt that the Southern Alliances Army were already positioned at the border area, preparing for the arrival of demon race.

The army was divided into five divisions and deployed to the five cities around the border area. Their positions were strategically arranged in such a way that they could support each other easily if needed.

Austin headed for one of these border cities.

It was named the Trinary Star City.

It was a city of considerable size located near the border of the Purple Phoenix Holy Kingdom.

Austin and the queen stepped outside of the Dragon and Phoenix Chariot about three kilometers away from the Trinary Star City.

Austin collected his Dragon and Phoenix Chariot. He then activated his bodily movement skill with the queen and went towards the front gate of the city.

"Stop right there!"

Their way was blocked by a couple of gatekeepers just as they were about to enter.

"The Trinary Star City is now the first line of defense against demon race.

Not everybody can get inside. Only warriors with cultivation base who are higher than Master Realm may enter.

This is only for the sake of your safety,"

one of the sentries informed Austin about this rule.

Austin was surprised on hearing that anyone below cultivation base of the Master Realm had been barred from entering.

But after everything Austin could see the reason why this practice made sense.

That is because only those who were above the cultivation base of the Master Realm stood any chance while fighting against demon race. Anyone less than that would simply get killed brutally.

Austin gave the sentry a confident smile as he demonstrated the vital energy force of the medium stage of Astral Realm.

The queen also displayed the vital energy force the level of the medium stage of Astral Realm.

They had disguised their true cultivation bases on purpose to keep a low profile and avoid unnecessary attention.

"Oh I see. You two have much higher cultivation bases than I thought. You two may enter."

Those sentries let them pass without much of a hassle as they saw their cultivation bases were both of the Astral Realm.

Austin and the queen entered the Trinary Star City without any hindrance whatsoever.

The city was fully packed with warriors now. Every living being they saw was a warrior for sure.

Not a single civilian.

Clearly all civilians had been evacuated and warriors moved in. They were all preparing for the upcoming war.

The warriors who entered the city seemed to find themselves a spot for rest wherever they managed to find one so it looked a little bit disorganized and chaotic.

A few of them just found themselves an empty house while others just occupied open areas on the sides of the road and hunkered down for rest.

A cultivator could last days without food, drink and sleep. It was actually quite normal. The best method of rest that they needed was simply getting shuteye and adjusting breath.

Austin and the queen wandered all over the streets for a while

and they realized a pattern.

The stronger a warrior was, the better his or her accommodation was.

Automatically a weaker warrior had an inferior accommodation.

The warriors, who rested on the side of roads, at the open plaza and other clearings where there was no roof above the heads, were all of the Master Realm or the Astral Realm.

For those whose cultivation base was above the Tribulation Realm, they got to rest in a house. Higher the level, better the house.

The hierarchy in the city was very prominent.

Austin gave a bitter smile and shook his head in disapproval.


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