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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1277

"We are facing a war against the demon race right now. At this time, all the human cultivators need nothing more than to be united as one. We need to stay intact in order to fight our common enemies. I didn't expect to see jerks like you here in this city. It's ridiculous!"

Austin spoke in a cold tone, shaking his head slightly. He was staring at the young man who was dressed in green and had intense eyes.


Those young men from the Thunder Sect were startled. At first they didn't realize what Austin meant. A moment later, they realized that Austin was true about it all.

One of them shouted in an angry voice, "You will pay for what you said just now!"

They were all very furious by Austin's words. Clearly, they hadn't met anyone who was bold enough to go against them.

"You don't know who you are talking to! You are too weak to fight against the demon race, rather you can't even fight us!

To fight the demon race, you need to count on big sects like us, the Thunder Sect.

You are too weak to even be here! You losers!

I will show you the true strength of a powerful cultivator today! You will regret what you said when I'm done with you!"

The young man in green gritted his teeth as he spoke with fury clear in his face and voice.

He had seen Austin and the queen wandering in the streets, looking for a place to stay. So, he thought that they were just two ordinary disciples from a small sect. There was no way that people like them could belong to a big sect. They could probably be two independent cultivators.

"Here you are! Take them now.

Or your wounds won't heal properly,"

Austin said to the brother and the sister. He threw two elixirs at them.

They were grade-eight elixirs! Highly precious and extremely powerful.

Seeing the elixirs, all the people present there, except Austin and the queen, gasped in surprise.

Obviously a grade-eight elixir, or even a grade-nine elixir, meant nothing to Austin. Those people there, however, had no idea.

They were unaware that he had an uncountable number of good-quality elixirs in the storage of the Oracle Sect.

"These..... these are just too precious. We can't take them."

Two grade-eight elixirs were floating in front of them, but the siblings didn't dare to grab them. They couldn't bring it in them to take them as those were grade-eight elixirs after all.

The most precious elixirs they had ever seen were grade-five elixirs. Now, two expensive and rare grade-eight elixirs were in front of them. So, they couldn't help but be flustered and didn't know what to do.

Seeing their reaction, Austin silently nodded his head in approval. He was glad to see that the boy and his sister weren't people who lacked gratitude.

He valued such people, so he wanted to help them more.

"It's all right. Just take them.

It's important for you to heal completely at such an urgent time. You don't want any unwanted consequences, do you?"

Austin persuaded them.

"You are right! Come on, brother. Let's take them.

Thank you very much," the sister said and convinced her brother to take the elixirs.

She took the two elixirs that were still floating in the air, and gave one to her brother, a young man with a very long face. He took it from her and immediately both of them consumed it.

Finally, now the young men from the Thunder Sect registered what had just happened.

They were shocked and amazed. The guy had grade-eight elixirs with him!

Not only did he have such elixirs but he also so casually gave away two such high grade elixirs. It meant that he had many more elixirs with him.

They couldn't help but get excited when they thought of this. All the young men looked at Austin with intense eyes.

"You crossed your way with us, the people from the Thunder Sect. But now that we are going to fight the demon race, I think it's better that we remain united. So we have decided to let you off this time.

We will let you go only if you give us all the elixirs you have with you. Think of it as an offering of apology,"

The young man dressed in green shouted in a firm voice.

"Yeah! He's right. Come on, give us all the elixirs you have and fuck off. Or else..."

The rest of them also looked at Austin with greedy eyes. They were trying to threaten him and take away his elixirs.

"Fuck off!"

Austin swore in fury.

"How dare you! You are too audacious for your own good. Come on, guys. Let's show him who we are. Let's beat him to death!"

The young man in green announced to his men.

After hearing his words, his people immediately rushed at Austin. Their greed for elixirs had blinded them.

"Who is that guy? He has the courage to get into a tussle with a principal disciple, Ethan Zhuo, of the Thunder Sect."

"Yeah, he's got some nerve. I have heard that Ethan's grandfather is a superior elder of the Thunder Sect. Though he's just a principal disciple, nobody dares to cross him because his grandfather is a martial artist of the Semi-holy Realm.

Among the younger generation of the Elite Holy Kingdom, Ethan is definitely someone you don't want to get into trouble with."

"Poor guy! He doesn't know what he has got himself into. Ethan will never let him off easily. Let's just wait and see what happens next!"


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