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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1309

"Wow! What a strong sword aura!"

Austin was deeply shocked at the sight of the immense sword aura above the city. It wasn't something he had ever seen before.

The Sword Treasure-house used to be the palace of the Sword Emperor.

"Why was there still such a ghastly strong sword aura in the Sword Treasure-house?" Austin murmured to himself.

He got lost in his own thoughts before remembering what the Sword Emperor's wisp once told him. The emperor had since left the Prime Martial World 1000 years ago for a new, far superior world.

It could be considered a miracle that despite the long of absence of the Sword Emperor at the palace, the Sword Treasure-house still contained such an amazing sword aura.

Time had hardly left any scars on the house and the sword aura remained as powerful as before.

'Could it be possible that the Sword Emperor had left an array here to block the sword aura within the Sword Treasure-house?'

Austin stood there looking outside the place dumbfounded and confused. His brain was filled with doubts. The curiosity in knowing the source of the sword aura was killing him.

Trying to find an answer, he decided to make a move. 'I'll just walk in there and see what is going on.'

He then took a deep breath and headed towards the palace.

It only took him a few seconds to reach the front gate of the Sword Treasure-house with the use of his bodily movement skill.

The enormous gate was tightly shut as the ancient palace stood formidably beyond it.

Wisps of sword aura floated in the air like fishes swimming in the sea, as if guarding the gate.

Austin carefully twisted his body to avoid the mass of sword aura. He then tried to push the gate of the house.

As the gate was about to be opened, something unexpected happened.


The loud sound shocked Austin. The moment his hand touched the gate, the massive sword aura suddenly became restless. They writhed and trembled, as if disturbed by something dangerous.

Austin stood still in front of the gate without realizing that the chaotic sword aura was already targeting him, Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

All of a sudden, dozens of sword aura darted at him.

Austin was taken aback with the sword aura's sudden attack. He quickly jumped on his feet and wielded the Ancient Dragon Sword, smashing them into pieces.

However, he didn't even have time to breathe.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Suddenly a tremendous sound echoed through his surroundings. He looked up and saw hundreds of thousands of sword aura fall from the sky like a storm.

"What is happening?!"

Austin muttered to himself in astonishment.

He tried to protect himself and wielded his Ancient Dragon sword continuously to block the endless attack of the sword auras.

However, he soon realized that there were way too many sword auras for him to come out of this fight unscathed.

To make things worse, the onslaught of the sword aura only got stronger. It initially started with it only being as small as a finger. However, the sword auras that now fell were as tall as a door plank!

Soon, the immediate space around Austin consisted of nothing but swords.

"What the hell!" he roared fiercely.

He had been fighting the sword aura for a while with his Ancient Dragon Sword. Cuts and bruises now covered his entire body. The injuries he suffered were not fatal, but still caused him a lot of pain.

However, the immeasurable sword aura still surrounded him.

Compared to his level five sword potential, he could tell that the power of the sword aura was much stronger.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Another loud explosion boomed from the sky as countless sword aura continued pouring down. The size was even much bigger than before.

"No way!" Austin shouted in desolation. "Fine. I quit. My life is more important than this!"

At that moment, he felt a cold shiver run down his back. Austin looked up and saw an oncoming sword aura headed straight towards him. Luckily, he managed to take a step back and avoid it just in time.

Austin knew that if he had moved one step slower, he would have been stabbed into a honeycomb by these massive and powerful sword aura.

However, heaven will always leave a door open.

Desperate with his situation, Austin suddenly remembered something.

He touched his Space Ring and a statue appeared in his hand. The sight of this statue made hope gleam from his eyes.


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