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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1310

When the two demons entered the Sword Treasure-house, neither of them noticed something bizarre above them––countless streaks of sword aura shone brightly, lighting up the sky as if there was a galactic phenomenon taking place.

Because they beamed so brightly, the lights could actually be seen from dozens of miles away.

Thick sword aura beams hovered over the manor, moving incessantly like thousands of wiggling snakes.

Because of this, a formidable wave of energy enveloped the whole manor.

The surrounding looked tempestuous and blustery as if a storm was on its way.

At the same time, sword aura beams also soared into the air from a seemingly bottomless abyss near a massive mountain.

Two figures stood on its slop, gazing intently at the radiant lights.

"What's this?

Look, the sword aura bursts out from that abyss," a young man exclaimed in excitement, pointing at the chasm.

He was about eighteen and wore yellow clothes with a sword hanging on his back.

"Yeah, I see it.

It's coming from the Sword Emperor's residence.

Looks like something is going on. Perhaps the door of that place has opened.

Let's go and check," another young man in indigo suggested in a shaking voice.

He, too, like the young boy, carried a sword on his back.

In a blink of an eye, the two young men reached the edge of that seemingly endless abyss.

Without any hesitation, they jumped off the cliff.

A few moments later, they arrived at the Sword Treasure-house.

"You were right! The door has opened,"

the young man who wore yellow clothes exclaimed with thrill.

"We need to fill master in on this.

This manor has been under our guard since he assigned us here three years ago.

This place surely means a lot to him.

Now that the door has finally opened, I'm certain master will be glad to know this,"

the man in indigo clothes happily suggested.

He stretched out his hand, and suddenly, a cloud of white light materialized over his palm.

After a couple of seconds, the light transformed into a fist-sized white crane.

The crane flapped its wings and flew into the sky. In a flash, it was nowhere to be seen.

"How long do you think will it take for it to reach our master?"

the young man in yellow asked, staring at the space from where the crane had disappeared.

"Master used some arcane spell to create this crane.

He told me he got a drop of a sacred crane's blood and used the arcane spell to integrate it into his spiritual sense. That's how he made this crane.

Nothing in the entire Prime Martial World can move faster than it.

As long as our master is still in the South Continent, it can reach him in an hour.

I'm sure of that. All we must do is wait here.

He'll be here soon,"

the young man in indigo replied, sounding so sure and confident.

The two of them went to a spot around the Sword Treasure-house and sat down to await their master.

Meanwhile, back to the stronghold of the Southern Alliances Army in the Mysterious Sky City, over twenty people sat in a hall of the most splendid palace in the entire city.

Each of them emitted a terrifyingly powerful vital energy.


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