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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1316

"Wow! These corridors are amazing! The Sword Emperor might have used it as his storage or dungeon. There must be some treasures hidden here.

Besides, this wall of the mountain has blocked the way.

The only way to continue exploring seems to be through this steep hill.

Why don't we get into one of the Trialing Corridors and try our luck?" the silver-scaled demon suggested.

"I think my level of swordsmanship is roughly equal to the level four sword potential. I might as well choose the fourth corridor then."

As soon as he finished his words, the demon instantly made a plunge and disappeared behind the entrance of the fourth corridor.

"Alright then. That makes sense. I will try the third one since my level of swordsmanship is the equivalent of the level three sword potential."

The black demon followed and headed towards his chosen level. He could not join his friend at the fourth corridor as his swordsmanship had only reached the third level.

Both demons were now inside the Trialing Corridor.

These two demon warriors' sword potential were far better compared to many human warriors.

They did not just focus on cultivating their demonic skills, but also spent their time and effort in honing their swordsmanship.

Austin was currently roaming the fifth corridor. He was looking at his surroundings when a familiar voice rang in his ears. It was the Sword Emperor, who had been continuously voicing out his reminders.

The words had basically the same meaning as what Austin had heard in the first corridor. The Sword Emperor had given a reminder as well as a warning.

Passing the corridor's test would be very beneficial to Austin. He would be able to advance his level of swordsmanship and also get good rewards in the form of rare treasures.

The rewards were high and so was the price for failure which was essentially death.

Without any second thoughts, Austin activated his level five sword potential. Immediately, the air in the corridor whirled like a strong wind.

As the sword potential surrounded him, he continuously walked deeper into the corridor.

"Ha ha!

You can't run away from me this time, Austin!

You will die here today!"

All of a sudden, Baldwin's voice echoed from behind him. His loud scream was full of aggressiveness and blood thirst. The excitement was apparent in his eyes at the thought of finally getting the chance to get his revenge.

Austin wasn't threatened by Baldwin's presence. He turned to look at his challenger with the coldest and most piercing glare.

He knew of Baldwin's murderous intent, but he was never afraid of him.

The tense silence was only broken by the Sword Emperor's voice. It turned up again after sensing Baldwin's presence.

Baldwin paused for a while, turning away from Austin as he listened intently to the Sword Emperor's words.

The two stared at each other without moving a single step, their heavy breathing echoing through the corridor.

A few seconds later, Baldwin gathered his thoughts, his face suddenly lit up. He smiled sheepishly. 'Now this rule is interesting. I like it!' he thought to himself.

Baldwin was bursting with excitement as he found the Sword Emperor's words very interesting.

However, Baldwin only paid attention to the Sword Emperor's words about the possible rewards, and the cultivation increase. He completely missed the warning.

'So this means that if I make it to the Trialing Corridor of level ten sword potential and pass it, the level of my swordsmanship can reach the sword domain right away?

This is wonderful!'

The astonishing rewards thrilled Baldwin. Joy was all over his face, as he imagined himself reaching the sword domain. He was so pumped out to get the reward that he momentarily forgot that Austin was still around.

"Ha ha ha! I knew that these corridors were built just for me! I've been stuck at the bloody level ten sword potential for hundreds of years! I have longed for a breakthrough for a lifetime!

I knew I would be more than that. I always knew. Now my time has come!

I'm destined to master better swordsmanship and get to the top!" Baldwin roared in mad glee, slowly getting out of control.

"I'm a sword master, and I will definitely rise again!

When the day comes that my level of swordsmanship reaches the sword domain, I wonder who could match with me in this Prime Martial World!"

He laughed like an unhinged mad man as he imagined himself reaching the pinnacle of power.

It was already over a hundred of years since he reached the top level of the sword potential, and he still hadn't made any progress. The possibility of increasing his level of swordsmanship drove him mad with joy.

He tried very hard to make a progress but he just suffered with so many failures.

As years passed, the sword domain still seemed out of his reach. But now, he was told that there was a good chance for him to realize his dream, and the method sounded so very easy.

It was no wonder that he would go wild with joy.

He looked at Austin and smiled mockingly. "Okay, now let me do some warming up by killing a living target. Austin, you should be honored, you know!"

Baldwin fully unleashed his level ten sword potential in the next instant. The powerful sword aura burst out from his body and the dazzling light radiated like deadly serpent towards Austin.


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