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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1317

Austin could sense very clearly that the human-shaped figure which the sword auras had formed possessed level five sword potentials.

And there could be no doubt in that. He was sure in his assessment; the figure definitely had perfect level five sword potential.

Judging by its spiritual sense, Austin could also sense that a common warrior, even one who had a level five sword potential in his repertoire, would be no match for the figure. It was far more powerful.

Wait what?

Austin suddenly exclaimed in astonishment; his vital energy had been sealed by some unknown and mysterious strength. He couldn't use it!

What's worse, his magic treasure was also sealed. No wait, that wasn't the worst of it!

When he tried to access his demonic avatar, he found out that it was also completely trapped inside his body, rendering it completely useless.

In despair, Austin found out that the only attacking method he could use right now, was to use his own level five sword potential.

And that wasn't his strong suit. In a nutshell, he could only fight the figure by making use of his sword potential. Other attacking methods like martial arts, magic treasure and bodily movement skill had been constrained. Now he and the figure were, in theory, evenly matched.

Austin felt he was in a dilemma, as his sword potential was weak and other attacking methods were sealed.

'Well that's no good. And a bit harsh.'

Austin was dumbfounded and displeased too.

It looked like he was going to have to defeat the figure by his sword potential alone.

Though he was annoyed, Austin also grew a lot of respect for the Sword Emperor's formidable powers.

The Trialing Corridor created by the Sword Emperor was powerful enough to completely seal off his demonic avatar. Even a demon itself couldn't have sensed that presence inside him, but the corridor had done so, and trapped it in.

And doing this was no joke. Austin's demonic avatar had the power of a demon emperor, which was much more powerful than any other demons.

However, the figure itself did not give Austin much time to exclaim at the Sword Emperor's powers.

It was closing in on him. Fast!

A fight was imminent.


A sword suddenly appeared out of thin air in the figure's hands, as if its hands had been the sheath.

The sword already looked rather formidable, and when wielded by a figure which had perfect level five sword potential going in his favor, the sword seemed to be dancing with an elegant shadow, letting out a powerful pressure.

Countless blurs of sword auras began to strike Austin from all angles.

Austin hurriedly took out the Ancient Dragon Sword from his Space Ring and launched his own attack, initially hitting at the sword auras to dispel them from causing him any harm.

Although the power of the Ancient Dragon Sword had been somewhat weakened in the corridor, it was still a primeval magical treasure and therefore, incredibly sharp and furious.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

A fierce battle broke out in the corridor. The two swords were now clashing with each other like two nimble dragons, even their mere sword potentials creating one hell of a ruckus in the silent space around them.

What made the fight even more incredible to look at was that Austin and the figure were not using any kind of sword arts any more. They were trying to steal the final victory by their common sword auras only.

However, even those sword auras were incredibly pure and powerful and perhaps even more dangerous than actual physical fights.

Several minutes later, Austin began to feel that his sword skills were falling shorter than he would have wished for.

The figure had clearly grasped level five sword potential, just like Austin.

But its sword potential was much more pure and powerful than Austin's.

In other words, Austin hadn't completely mastered that art. He was still a novice, while this figure had grasped perfect level five sword potential.

As time went by, the figure showed no signs of slowing down or relenting, and Austin found it more and more difficult to defend himself from the former's incessant attacks.


A few minutes later, the figure finally managed to find a lapse in its opponent's movements and stabbed instantly into Austin's chest with a pure sword aura.

Feeling the cold steel and pain inside his chest, Austin looked down and found a six-inch wound, streams of blood spurting from it.

This mysterious figure was too freaking powerful.

But Austin was not the kind of person who would give up so easily. He quickly readied himself up and once again wielded his sword, this time attacking even more swiftly. It did not work, though.

Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff...

A dozen sword auras hit Austin's body once again, creating several more wounds all around him.

Streams of blood spurted from everywhere over his body.

Some of them even penetrated his flesh.

Austin smiled bitterly.

He then brought out a bottle of Magic Sea Water with one hand from his Space Ring and quickly drank it up.

The Magic Sea Water could heal his wounds promptly.

'Damn it! There's no way I am going to be defeated by that thing!'

Austin was getting more and more furious about this trial, though he hadn't lost his head just yet.


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