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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1355

"It's you, Austin!"

Fourteen demon semi-emperors immediately turned their heads and fixed their cold gaze at Austin.

Their eyes were filled with anger and spite. They were so shocked that Austin had the audacity to show himself in front of them all like a proud king.

"How are you doing here, guys?

I do hope that you are doing just fine here."

Austin smugly grilled them with a smirk on his face. He was definitely enjoying the moment.

"Why did you trap us in here, Austin? What is it that you want from us? Do you really think we are afraid from the likes of you?" one of the demon semi-emperors snarled as his sharp teeth glistened.

He was so angry that he could easily tear anyone to shreds.

"Just wait and see. You'll know soon enough," Austin replied with a sneer.

The next instant, Austin suddenly grabbed a demon semi-emperor by the collar. He was so strong that he was able to pull him up with just one hand, choking him at the same time.

He communicated with the City model, and in a blink of an eye, Austin was on another street with the demon semi-emperor by his hands.

"Now, I need you to tell me how to practice the demonic skill you have mastered," Austin said, menacingly.

Austin tossed the demon semi-emperor on the ground at the same time. He fell flat on his face.

"Not a chance."

The demon semi-emperor snarled back at Austin's words, and tried to escape.

"Oh, is that so?" Austin responded with an evil grin.

Austin then decided to force the demon to answer his demand by torturing him with whatever cruel method he could think of.

Austin was already experienced in interrogating a lot of demons into telling him how they practiced their demonic skills. He did have a lot of methods and he had never failed not even once in getting the information that he wanted. That was why he was very confident that he could break this demon as well.

He made the demon semi-emperor suffer from pain and he tortured his demonic spiritual soul endlessly.

Even though the demons were fierce and bullheaded, Austin knew exactly their weakness. And it was just the same with any human being.

Just like humans, these demons were afraid of death. They valued their lives so much that they would certainly do anything to survive.

After a while, the demon semi-emperor eventually gave out the method of cultivating the demonic skill he was good at. He couldn't endure Austin's tortures any longer.

Without a second to lose, Austin's demonic avatar started to practice the demonic skill—Poisonous Bee Attack immediately.

Apparently, to practice such a demonic skill, one needed to put a young demonic bee larva in him.

Next, he needed to use some arcane spell to create a hundred thousand demonic bees which were very poisonous, even to demonic beasts.

He could control these powerful bees and easily kill his enemies without even moving a single finger.

Austin got a great number of bee larvae from the demon semi-emperor and placed them in his demonic avatar. It took the demonic avatar fifteen minutes to learn how to display this demonic skill.

The advantage of this skill was that one could get countless demonic bees once he placed the demonic bee larva inside him. It would multiply on its own.

This way, he wouldn't need to worry about running out of demonic bees should he fight against his opponents.

He could produce as many bees as he wanted without the need of using any other skill.

After that, Austin returned to the street where the demon semi-emperors were.

Austin caught another one of them and took him to another street to challenge and interrogate him.

Having been tortured for quite a while, another demon semi-emperor gave in and taught Austin how to practice his demonic skill—Soul-devouring Beast Attack.

This demonic skill was designed to attack spiritual souls.

Fifteen minutes later, Austin's demonic avatar mastered the Soul-devouring Beast Attack just like that.

"This is great. At this rate, I'll let my demonic avatar learn the third demonic skill sooner than I expected," Austin muttered happily.

He planned to let his demonic avatar learn as many demonic skills as it could without sparing any time.

Austin was definitely eager to improve the battle force of his demonic avatar as soon as possible.

And just like the others, the third demon semi-emperor also cracked under Austin's torture and taught him how to practice his skill.

While Austin was busy getting new demonic skills in the City model, the demon race ancestor was searching for him with the use of his demonic spiritual soul above the desert. He tirelessly checked every nook and cranny.

The demon race ancestor levitated up in the air with a brooding expression plastered on his face.

'My demonic spiritual soul is quite powerful. I should have been able to find that boy already. What the hell is going on?

Hmmm. Let me see. Perhaps he has hidden inside some magic treasure.

If that's the case, it will be more difficult to track him down and pinpoint his exact location.'

Two hours had passed, and yet the demon race ancestor still couldn't find Austin.

It was as if Austin just vanished into thin air.

But he was quite certain that Austin was still in the desert.

"What an annoying human brat! I know you're here. I have already wasted so much time looking for you!

But you can't get away from me. I've already figured out which area you're hiding. When I find you, I will definitely torture you to my heart's content!"


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