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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1356


The sound of buzzing filled the air. Hundreds of thousands of demon bees rose like a huge black cloud at the horizon. They rushed ahead and instantly encircled the demon race ancestor.

Countless demon bees stung the demon race ancestor. Some were stuck directly above his surface of his skin, while some managed to gnaw through it. Many strong demon bees had been able to pierce through it all and went straight for his flesh and blood.

'The power of demonic skills can be immensely strong!'

Austin was enlightened as he saw the demon bees in action.

"Hmm! Tricks!"

The demon race ancestor commented scornfully.

Suddenly, the evil aura surrounding his body converted into black flames, as if it was burning up.

The flames crackled as they kept flickering to and fro.

In these dark flames, all the demon bees began to burn and explode. It was like someone was frying beans. A strong smell of barbecued meat spread around.

A few moments later, most of them got burnt to death by the dark flames.

The demon race ancestor laughed and spoke in a mocking tone. "Brat, why do you keep running away?

Hmm! I wasted a few hours in searching you.

You will regret what you have done today!"

The demon race ancestor focused his evil eyes on Austin with a homicidal intent. He even licked the corners of his mouth with his tongue in anticipation. The motivation of killing Austin was easily detected. His gestures reflected how eager he was to kill Austin.

Austin noticed that all the demon bees had been burnt to death now. He couldn't help but feel pity for those creatures.

It looked like the demon race ancestor easily avoided being hurt by the Poisonous Bee Attack. It didn't harm him much, rather it only affected him a little.

But, Austin's demonic avatar had already practiced fourteen kinds of demonic skills during the past hours!

If every demonic skill could distract and disturb the demon race ancestor for a few seconds, it would be enough.

Austin felt it would give him enough time to flee away from death.


Austin's demonic avatar was discharged out of his body.

"Soul-devouring Beast Attack!"

"Phantoms Transposition!"

"Demon Punch Attack!"

Austin activated his demonic skills one by one.

Fourteen kinds of demonic skills had been grilled out from those fourteen demon semi-emperors by Austin in the City model.

Each demonic skill had extraordinary power.

Carefully but quickly, those demonic skills were being activated one by one.

They couldn't hurt the demon race ancestor severely.

But, they could keep him at bay for some time.

"Argh! Damn it! How did you practice so many demonic skills?"

The demon race ancestor was fed up by the attacks made by Austin's avatar so he started shouting.

In fact, Austin's demonic avatar had the same level of strength as the demon emperor, according to the power of magic.

The things that it lacked were demonic skills and the perception of martial arts.

Things had become better after practicing fourteen kinds of demonic skills.

The fighting and attacking ability of Austin's demonic avatar had improved a lot after the practice.

Still Austin was at a disadvantage. In spite of so much practice, the demonic avatar fell short before the demon race ancestor.

Austin was hoping that the demonic avatar would hang on for a while, so he could make some plan to escape.

The demon race ancestor was busy in the fierce fight against Austin's demonic avatar for a while. There were moments when the demon race ancestor got the upper hand in the fight. But, it was difficult to beat the demonic avatar.


Austin quickly used the Dominant Spiritual Sense Swordsmanship.

There was sword-light that shot towards his foe.


How dare you!"

The demon race ancestor shouted as he dodged the attack.

The Dominant Spiritual Sense Swordsmanship was so fast in speed that it almost hit the demon race ancestor's body.

Shoop! Shoop! Shoop!

Austin began to shoot continuous flashes of sword-light of Dominant Spiritual Sense Swordsmanship at the demon race ancestor.

Austin kept on attacking the demon race ancestor with his demonic avatar.

An hour passed by in this intense fight.

Bang! Bang!

Austin and the demonic avatar were bombarded by attacks. Both of them were thrown away at the same time.


Austin instantly merged himself with the demonic avatar. He used the Diabolic Flashing Skill. Suddenly, he landed about fifty or sixty thousand meters away.


I won't let you go!"

The demon race ancestor was gaining the upper hand in the fierce battle. He started to bombard Austin with his attacks.

But, it was far from what he had expected. He had been wrong to think that it would be easy to kill Austin.

In spite of so many terrible situations, Austin was still alive.


This wisp of my soul has been summoned to this world, but it cannot stay long here.

About twenty-four hours later it will automatically be repulsed by the law of this world, and it will be transferred out of this place.


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