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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1367

Tristan shouted the order and without a moment's delay, thousands of troops from the Southern Alliances Army rushed towards Austin. Clark wasn't going to just stand there and wait for the idiots to attack Austin, "Battle formations! Grab your weapons, now!"

He roared and with a wave of his right hand, roughly 100, 000 soldiers of the A.L. Army snapped to a rectangular formation that was as straight as the crow flies. They were prepared to face death openly today

"It's okay, Clark. I got this. Now you all stand by and watch.

These simpletons can't hurt me. They can't even manage to touch me,"

Austin lightly told them to stand down. He wasn't going to spend his soldiers on a battle he could win by himself in the blink of an eye.

Clark was shocked by Austin order, since there were thousands of very competent troops in front of him and Austin would handle all of them all by himself. How was that even possible? However, he didn't dare disobey it and was forced to lead the A.L. Army away from the battlefield. Now it was just Austin and the Southern Alliances Army confronting each other in the battlefield.

As soon as his army was clear of the battlefield, Austin performed his Dominant Spiritual Sense Swordsmanship.

Already powerful enough, it was obviously excruciating when several thrusts were made at the oncoming wave of enemies.

Boom! Boom!

Every soldier from the Southern Alliances Army who was hit stopped dead in his path and then, his body exploded into confetti.

At the same time, Austin's demonic avatar made a magic sign, cast the corresponding spell, and performed the Poisonous Bee Attack. And suddenly, out of nowhere, hundreds of thousands of poisonous demonic bees began heading straight towards Austin's enemies. A bee-sting wasn't supposed to hurt, but that was the case of normal bees. These were made artificially by a demon's purest, wickedest demonic energy and extremely powerful when landed on his opponents' bodies.

"Ouch, ouch! What the hell is this? Fuck! That hurts so much!

Help, someone help me! Get these things off of me!"

Numerous soldiers who had low-level cultivation bases immediately began yelling in pain.

A few moments later, every single one of them was shouting, screaming, cursing and begging at the same time. The poisonous bee attack was excruciatingly painful at first and lethal afterwards.

A few seconds later, the bodies of those warriors who had been stung by the poisonous demonic bees started to fester. In a heartbeat, they were reduced to nothing but pools of bloody, stinking water. It was such a gruesome scene to witness!

The Poisonous Bee Attack had killed some thirty or forty thousand soldiers in the most hellish way possible.

At that moment, the battlefield really had become hell!

Everyone knew just how powerful Austin really was, but even his own supporters of the A. L. Army were taken aback by the ferocity of this attack. They had always known that Austin was strong and formidable, but he exceeded their wildest imagination yet again and seemed to have grown into someone way much more than they thought he was.

Most of the soldiers could do nothing to approach or even hurt Austin even a bit, and had fallen immediately. And those who remained alive were in no mood to follow through their orders since they knew that all of them would be killed by Austin in an instant.


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