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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1368

Austin's demonic avatar was staring at him in the face. It had appeared in front of him and blocked his path.

"Fuck off!"

Tristan roared again. Luminous torrents of white vital energy force erupted from his body like a bomb had gone off.

Then, ten giant shadows of mountains created out of pure and intense vital energy appeared above his head. Each of them was about four or five hundred meters high.

Boom! Boom!

The violent and overwhelming pressure which was emitted from those shadows could have shattered the heaven and the earth. But hey, who said it could hurt Austin or his avatar?

In fact, Austin merely stood by and did nothing to stop it.

His avatar on the other hand, was in a flurry of action. Demonic Ultimate Cage.

Diabolic Blade.

Soul-devouring Beast Attack.

Phantoms Transposition.

Within a mere span of two seconds, Austin's demonic avatar performed seven or eight demonic skills, and the horrifying pressure of the demonic energy that emanated as a result of those attacks completely destroyed Tristan's vital energy force.

Tristan was a high-level Semi-emperor Realm warrior; he was actually much more powerful and a lot stronger than the Semi-emperor Realm warriors who had just succumbed to Austin's demonic avatar. But the avatar itself was a demon emperor.

Poor old Tristan was no match for it and he knew that truth before his end came on him.

Five or six rounds of fighting were over as quickly as they had begun.

"No, you don't!

You bastard. I am going to hunt you down even if I'm dead and have to become a ghost,"

Tristan thundered furiously; he was desperate and in great pain now.

However, the demonic avatar performed several demonic skills rapidly and struck Tristan's body again and again. In a heartbeat, the moves became too much for the latter to handle, and his body exploded into a thousand bloody pieces.

A high-level human semi-emperor had just perished at the hands of Austin. Who would ever think of that? Yet again, it happened, right in front of everyone there in the Mysterious Sky City.

By now, his demonic avatar had already killed seven Semi-emperor Realm warriors, including Tristan.

Plus, more than thirty Holy Realm warriors and hundreds of lesser warriors had also been slaughtered. The situation was beyond desperate for the Southern Alliances Army.

Every single one of the dead had persecuted or even killed at least one member of the A.L. Army. And they had paid the price with their life.

Austin wouldn't let them survive a single more day.

"Now, what needed to be done is done!"


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