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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1427

Half a day passed. That was when most of the cultivators excused themselves and left the headquarters of the Magic Hand Sect.

Austin, Godwin, Julius and Peter decided to stay back in the sect headquarters for some time.

In a private conversation, Austin, Angus and Godwin discussed about subsequent management problems of the Magic Hand Sect.

They seriously considered the fact that Lyman had been killed.

They knew that though Lyman was killed, there were still many henchmen of his remaining in the Magic Hand Sect, as he had controlled the sect for over five hundred years.

Angus planned to get rid of all Lyman's henchmen and reorganize the whole sect in a resolute and bold manner.

He believed that it was the only way that he could take full control of the Magic Hand Sect again.

However, it would probably take Angus some more time to restore his vital energy cultivation level to the Semi-emperor Realm. So far, he had merely restored it to the premium stage of Primal Holy Realm.

Therefore, Angus needed Austin and Godwin's help to reorganize his sect.

Austin sent out the A.L. Army from his City model. There were over one hundred thousand soldiers in total. He ordered his army to be stationed in the headquarters of the Magic Hand Sect.

After a little while, a few figures could be seen.

These figures were heading for a giant mountain peak within the headquarters of the Magic Hand Sect, which was so high that it seemed to be piercing the clouds.

The summit of the mountain was perennially covered in thick snow, so it looked like a vast expanse of whiteness.

Amidst the white snow cover, there was a massive lake.

The cerulean lake was inlaid with the snowfield like a sapphire, looking sacred and enchanting.

Beside the lake, there were several simple-constructed, small wooden houses.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

All of a sudden, the figures that were flying on the distant horizon started rushing towards the houses in an extremely fast speed.

After a short while, they reached the summit and landed in front of the small wooden houses.

Their arrival broke the silence that was prevailing in that place.

"Who dares to come to my place?

It's my personal cultivation site, the forbidden area of the sect. Didn't I order that this place is out of bounds for anyone? No one is allowed to enter this place for any reason, without permission!"

A female voice came out from one of the small wooden houses, even before the figures could get close to the door.

"Ha ha! My sweetest Becky, even I'm not allowed to come here?"

an elder with grizzled hair and dressed in a black robe asked. He was one of the figures in front of that small wooden house. He spoke with a slight laugh, his tone calm and natural.

Despite his composure on the outside, his body kept shivering uncontrollably. His chest kept rising and falling as he was inhaling and exhaling deeply. Apparently, he was trying to suppress his excitement.

This elder was Angus.

Angus's voice trailed away.

And there was deathly silence. Not a sound came from that small wooden house—no trace of response was heard.

Angus was thrilled as he stood staring at the door of that small wooden house and kept waiting for it to open. His eyes were filled with tears.

Austin, Godwin, Peter and Julius were standing beside him in complete silence.

They all kept waiting for quite some time.


Suddenly the door was flung open. A beautiful feminine figure rushed out of the house and stood in front of Angus immediately.

The figure was an exceptionally gorgeous woman dressed in a white dress. She seemed to be around twenty five years old. With her black hair tied up, she stood gracefully, looking serene and elegant. Her beauty was stunning.

The woman in white fixed her gaze on Angus with her charming eyes. She wore a doubtful and surprised expression on her serene and elegant countenance while she kept staring at him.

She was both thrilled and dubious. She was too shocked to believe that the man in front of her was real.

"Father? Father, is that really you? Am I dreaming?" the woman in white asked gently and cautiously.

The manner in which she asked was like she had suddenly seen something unbelievable in her dream and was afraid that everything would be gone unless she managed to clear up her doubts cautiously.

The woman in white was actually Angus's daughter, Rebecca.

She lived in solitude in the most secret and forbidden area of the headquarters of the Magic Hand Sect. Thus, she knew nothing about what had happened in the Magic Hand Plaza earlier that day.

"You are not dreaming, my lovely daughter. This is real. I am indeed your father. I've come to see you."

Angus couldn't stop himself from feeling distressed when he looked at Rebecca's slightly drained face.

With fatherly love rising within his heart, he reached out to her and gently caressed her hair.

Angus's natural and spontaneous caress cleared up all of Rebecca's doubts. She finally believed that everything before her eyes was real.

Her father's touch was enough to make her believe that he had indeed come back.



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