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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1428

The Flame Emperor said he did not have to go back immediately but Austin knew that he was a bit anxious. Austin detected the desire of the Flame Emperor to return to the Divine Continent from his tone.

After all, they both knew that the Flame Emperor could only reconstitute his flesh and bones in the Divine Continent.

Once when they were in the Mysterious Nether World, the Flame Emperor said that the energy of his spiritual soul had drained seriously.

In order to reconstitute his flesh and bones, he had to returned to a place called Land of Life-and-death zone in the Divine Continent. According to the legends, this was where the Reincarnate Lotus might exist.

"Rest assured. Did you see my present strength and wealth? With or without your help, I can easily establish a new sect within several months. We are free to go by then,"

Austin said to the Flame Emperor with his spiritual energy. He kept on erasing his worries.

"I feel fine. I am not feeling anxious at all, ''

the Flame Emperor said in a slow tone.

Austin had observed that the Flame Emperor was that kind person who usually spoke one way and thought another. His actions could easily be interpreted by Austin.

Austin curled down his lips as a sign of surrender. He would just let the Flame Emperor do whatever he wanted.

'Commander Austin, Mike is looking for you. He said that he has something urgent to tell you.''

At this moment, Austin suddenly received Clark's spiritual voice.

'Alright. Did he tell you what is it about?'

Austin was so confused. For him, it was a weird scenario.

In fact, Mike should be with Master Li at this moment. However, he suddenly came back to the Magic Hand Sect to find Austin. So he must really have something urgent to tell Austin. Austin knew that Mike was always discreet and prudent so he could only figure out one answer.

Could it be that something happened to Ivy and Sue?

Immediately, Austin released his spiritual sense and looked for Mike's location.

In an instant, Austin reappeared right in front of Mike by using his Diabolic Flashing Skill.

When Austin saw him, Mike was anxiously walking back and forth as he was rubbing his hands.

"Finally, you are here! I have something to tell you, Austin!"

Mike was thrilled at the sight of Austin as if he had found the backbone.

"What happened? Why do you look so nervous?"

Austin instantly asked. He already had something in mind as he was examining Mike's expressions.

''Ivy and Sue are in danger! They have been taken away by an old nun, ''

Mike blurted out.

''What? How could this be possible?''

Austin couldn't help but feel startled.

Even though Austin did not meet very often with his two betrothed, he loved them very much. Back then in the Violet Orchid Empire, Austin's power was very weak, but they still chose to engage with him. For all these years, Ivy and Sue had so much affection for him. They never had thought about dumping him.

Deep in Austin's heart, he had already treated the two girls like his wives.

"How dare someone captivate my wives? She is an evil! She will pay for what she had done! Tell me everything in detail, Mike. I'll surely take care of it. You don't have to worry."

Austin's voice was so angry that he spaced the words for emphasis. The tone of his voice was getting louder and stronger. The tangible killing intents released by him quickly filled the entire space. As a result, it trembled like a twist.

Austin's fury flared up.

"I was with Ivy and Sue when they were playing on the mountain this morning.

All of a sudden, an old nun showed up and caught them with a huge hand made of vital energy. She brought them closely and examined them carefully for a moment.

Then she said that Ivy and Sue are geniuses for cultivating because they both had a very rare and special constitution called Crystal Buddha Body. She added that it would be a waste for them to stay in the Prime Martial World which was a barren place.

She also told me that she was going to bring them to a world of higher level.

I warned her that Ivy and Sue already have their fiance, but she did not take it seriously.

Instead, she said arrogantly that no man deserves to be Ivy and Sue's husband in this world.

She also said Ivy and Sue would have better developments in her world. They might be become more powerful beyond our imagination and comprehension.

Afterwards, the queen arrived and tried to get Ivy and Sue back. However, that old nun was too powerful. She defeated the queen with one blow of her palm.

She took Ivy and Sue away. In an instant, the three of them vanished in the air.

I tried to ask who she was.


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