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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1495

"The Xiao Family is in trouble? What do you mean?"

Austin repeated the words in utter surprise. It was hard to believe.

He had spent several days at the Belle's house. In fact, Belle and he had developed quite a rapport and became good friends over the course of his stay in that place.

So obviously, Austin didn't want to just stand by when he heard that the Xiao Family was in peril. He didn't even like hearing about it.

"It's all a bit political and purely about power. The grand prince of the Solamnia Kingdom has colluded with the leaders of the top six sects of the kingdom who are backing him."

"Backing him for what?" Austin asked. "What do you think?" Came the reply, "Power! He has made a plan that he will put in place tonight and seize his father's power. He wants to become the king.

Once he does that and ascends to the throne, then you can bet that he will eliminate those ministers who don't follow him. Even those who pose a potential threat to his rise to power will be eliminated from his path.

The problem is, the prime minister Waldron supports the third prince, and he also has a lot of influence. Means that most of the officials will side with him.

He is definitely a big threat to the grand prince who will surely try to destroy the entire Xiao Family,"

the old man explained.

"Wait, what? The grand prince has planned to stage a coup?" Austin exclaimed, his pupils dilating in astonishment.

'If that really is true, then this guy is right; Belle's family is going to be in a hell of a lot of trouble.

Rodolfo works for the grand prince. And not only will the grand prince be against the Xiao Family, so will Rodolfo, since he and Waldron have a rather sour history together.

Once the grand prince becomes the king, Rodolfo will never let the Xiao Family go under any circumstances. He will have strength and power, and the two are rather problematic together.'

"Hey, hang on! The Martial Arts Tournament has just ended, and the grand prince is planning to steal the throne from his father. But isn't this an inopportune moment? I mean, what if the guests who are here from the three holy lands and other top sects of the East Mainland try to stop him? Hasn't he thought of that?"

Austin had an idea.

"That's just the thing. He has! The problem is, the Solamnia Kingdom is a very small one, especially in the eyes of the people of the three holy lands and most major sects. So most of them will not bother getting themselves involved in this political drama.

Besides, they will return to their sects with their newly recruited disciples pretty soon.

No one would want to waste time in a dump like this!"

the old man replied, curling his lips in a thoughtful way.

In retrospect, when Austin pondered over what the old man had just said, he realized that it actually made a lot of sense.

He still had some doubts though. "The grand prince attempting to usurp the king like this is supposed to be confidential knowledge. How come you heard of it?"

Austin asked, a little curious.

"This guy takes the credit for that,"

the old man replied with a smile, pointing at the ground near him.

Austin and Caroline were confused; there was nothing there! No wait! A transparent shadow was emerging from the ground where the man had pointed, and a few seconds later, the shadow turned into a short, young man.

He looked about twenty years old, though his limbs were rather long; and he had a bulged belly. Apart from that, although he looked much like a mouse, there was a very demonic aura around him.

'He is a demonic beast, '

Austin exclaimed to himself inwardly.

"Tyler, this is Austin Lin. He is a member of our sect now.

And this is his friend Caroline.

I hope you too get along well."

The old man introduced them after thoroughly enjoying their shock with some wine.

"Hello Tyler. It's very nice to see you,"

Austin greeted him with a little bow.

"Good to see you too, Austin,"

Tyler greeted him back, with a glance at Austin.

"Tyler is actually from an ancient beast race called the golden rat race," the old man explained.

"He was born with an ability to become invisible should need be.

And once he does that, it's really difficult to track him down.

And he prefers to hang out from places to places.

He knows pretty much everything about what is going on in the imperial capital city these days."

The old man seemed amused.

'I see. And no need to tell me the rest. Evidently, Tyler overheard a conversation between the grand prince and other sect leaders by chance and shared it with the old man.' Austin and Caroline were quick to understand what had happened.

In any case, Belle needed to be warned! "I'm going to fill Belle in on this so that her family can at least get ready for the shitload that's coming their way,"

Austin remarked with a frown as he rose from his seat.


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