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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1496

High in the sky, a few figures flew through the clouds. They all moved in a fast forward motion.

The old man along with Austin and the other two fellows left the capital of the Solamnia Kingdom. They flew away to the north.

After flying around straight for about half a day, they faced a vast range of mountains. It appeared as if it was rolling endless in their visions. And from time to time they could hear shrill roar of monsters and diabolic beasts transmitted from the forests below their feet.

They ignored all these roars and kept flying forward.

A few moments later, the old man suddenly stopped. He stood in the mid-air for a while and then turned around slowly to look into the sky.

"Hah! Hah! Hah!

They really 'care' about a old and sick man like me.

Well. That's fine.

If that is the case, I will not let them down," the old man said coldly, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth. A trace of fierceness emitted out of his peaceful eyes. There was even a faint killing intent from his expression.

The old man moved immediately, in order to fly down to the earth. After he landed on the ground, he started rolling up and down across the mountains.

Austin had been observing the old man keenly. He found out that the old man was not moving in a straight line but rather crossed the mountain back and forth. He seemed as if he was painting a complex picture amidst the mountains, with his feet as brushes and the earth as his canvas.

There was something which had added up more to his surprise. He found out that when the old man galloped on the ground, his feet had radiated out a scintillating burst of light, leaving a clear white band of light on every route that he passed by. Austin had thought that the light would disappear in a while, but it persisted to glimmer for a long time.

That might be an array!

The idea hit Austin's mind like a thunderbolt! It seemed so strange because a regular array was usually drawn only with the help of tools. Immersed in a pool of thoughts, he then became aware that the old man was setting up a mysterious array on the mountains which were located further down.

But then, there was something peculiar with the way how this old man built the array. Wherever his feet had trodden on the ground, he had left a series of lines crossing the ground. The lines then formed a complete array system.

This style of setting up an array was so bizarre. Austin had never even dared to imagine such a thing.

The old man's speed was absolutely substantial. He had galloped back and forth over a distance of two to three kilometers within a really short time.

With his fast movement, a number of brilliant white bands of light started shining in a dazzling way across the mountains. They had reached an extremely great height that they could see a mysterious and exquisite pattern formed from the ground.


At last, the old man stood still, uttering one word softly. He had stamped his right foot on the ground at the same time.


Austin was still floating in the air. He immediately felt a very slight and strange sense of rhythm transferring from the ground below.

Within a moment all the white lights among the mountains disappeared immediately and completely. The whole world was calm again, as if nothing had happened.

The old man moved again, the next moment he was standing on the top of a mountain.

"Come down, all of you,"

the old man demanded.

Without any second thought or hesitation, Austin took Caroline's hand and made a gesture to Tyler who was floating near them. And then, all three landed next to the old man.

"You three, just stay on this mountain. No matter what happens, don't walk around,"

the old man requested again.

The old man sat down and closed his eyes. He didn't wait for them to give any response. He looked as if he didn't even want to talk to Austin and his pals.

Noticing his silence, Austin felt embarrassed to ask for the reasons. He had to stay with Caroline and Tyler. Austin decided to stand beside the old man.

Tyler on the other side, was gazing into the distance from time to time. A hint of indignation was visible on his face.

About half an hour passed by.

The old man suddenly opened his eyes and stared at the space somewhere high in the sky.

"Since you're already here, you can just show up. Is it fun to hide in this way?"


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