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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1685

After an intense battle, Austin wiped out all the soldiers and their indigo demonic wolves. They were the real demonic beasts.

Blood and broken limbs of the wolves scattered everywhere. Austin had annihilated a thousand of them in total.

Although he was incredibly powerful, he still looked worn out.

After all, he was only human. It was normal for him to get exhausted after using a lot of energy.

However, it was all worth it because his hard work paid off. He was rewarded with over a thousand of spiritual crystals.

Because of his accomplishment, Austin decided to take some rest. He needed to regain the energy he used up earlier. However, when he was about to rest, he heard a loud voice from afar.

"Attack!" shouted someone.

Austin saw a group of soldiers. There were about five hundred of them.

The number of these soldiers was smaller compared the one he had just annihilated but these armored soldiers were at the premium stage of Bitter Sea Realm. Their demonic wolves were at the Emperor Realm.

They dashed towards Austin with a ferocious expression on their faces.

'Seriously? These are as powerful as masters of the premium stage of Bitter Sea Realm, ' thought Austin.

Of course, he was frightened. However, Austin was the type of person who would never give up easily.

Immediately, he pulled himself together and prepared for another fight.

"Alright! I will play with them and enjoy the game. Anyway, this is also a good chance for me to improve my capabilities and battle tactics," said Austin with a determined expression.

The look in his eyes showed that his fighting spirit had already soared.

'I will be fighting with so many masters of the Bitter Sea Realm at the same time. This is a good chance for me. If I can win against them, I will surely benefit a lot from it, ' he brooded.

He mustered up some courage and started charging at the soldiers.

He never hesitated even a bit. Thanks to his strong willpower and great powers, he slaughtered all his enemies after a short while.

As he continued his journey, he met hordes of soldiers and experienced tough battles. He even ran into a group which was comprised of a hundred Divine Bridge Realm soldiers.

During several battles, Austin had gotten hit multiple times. As a result, his body had more than ten holes and blood was pouring out from them.

Luckily he had a strong body. Besides, he still had some Magic Sea Water which he had acquired from the Prime Martial World.

This had sustained him over several fights.

He soon recovered from severe injuries as well.

Resorting to the bodily movement skill that he had come up with, Austin was also able to dodge those fatal blows from his enemies.

For the rest of the day, Austin kept on fighting with different enemies.

The break that he was about to take earlier was totally forgotten.

How could he take a break and rest if after finishing a group of soldiers, another batch would show up and attack him?

On a positive note, the fights gave him a great harvest of spiritual crystals.

A day had passed.

Austin found out that he had already acquired more than ten thousand spiritual crystals.

It only meant that he had killed more than ten thousand soldiers in one day.

Many of those soldiers were at the Divine Bridge Realm.

The day was over so Austin finally decided to take a break. Anyway, he had gone through a lot of fights already.

He transported himself into his City model. In the wink of an eye, he made his appearance on a street.

Austin heaved a sigh of relief knowing that he could be on his own now.

He could finally lower his defenses because no more enemies came to him this time.

Austin rubbed his Space Ring, and instantly, more than ten thousand spiritual crystals floated in front of him.

Staring at the heap of spiritual crystals, he felt satisfied. All his hard work was worth it.

Austin then released the spiritual tree from his Soul Sea and started refining the spiritual crystals.

After four hours, the spiritual tree refined more than seven thousand spiritual crystals.

Around three thousand of them were yet to be refined.

This time, Austin's spiritual sense doubled once again.


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