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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1686

The power released by each root was equal to that of a human cultivator who was at the medium stage of Bitter Sea Realm.

It meant that this demonic tree was as strong as a Bitter Sea Realm cultivator of the medium stage.

Austin maximized the use of his bodily movement skill to dodge the attacks coming from the roots. He made a spin and suddenly he was holding a magnificent sword. He used this sword to cut off those roots.

But soon Austin knew something was wrong. It seemed like the tree was capable of regenerating new roots.

The moment he had severed a root, a new one would emerge. The more he killed the more roots would sprout from the ground. And they were getting more vicious by the minute.

'Bloody hell! How come these roots kept multiplying, and they don't seem to get tired? This is endless. I can't finish them this way!

Perhaps the roots will stop attacking me once I destroy this demonic tree, '

Austin thought.

With this, he took a step backward and suddenly became invisible.

The roots stopped and remained suspended in mid-air, unable to see their target.

Austin walked towards the demonic tree silently. He was careful not to make any sounds. Since he was invisible and had hidden his aura, the tree could not detect him.

As he reached the tree, he raised his sword and swung it towards the trunk.

The human face on the trunk was suddenly filled with terror.

Then something more astonishing happened before his eyes. The giant roots scampered back to the ground, and the demonic tree started to run like a terrified dog.

'The demonic tree is amazing. It can pull itself out from the ground and take off if it needs to, '

Austin remarked, staring blankly at the running tree.

However the demonic tree could not outrun him after he activated his bodily movement skill.

In a flash, he caught up with the tree and stabbed the trunk with the Infernal Sword.


The demonic tree exploded and broke into pieces.

Five spiritual crystals dropped in front of Austin.

Austin collected the crystals and kept moving.

Suddenly, the wind carried a special scent that lingered through Austin's nose.

Austin felt everything around him was spinning.

Before long, he found that he was in a different place.

He was lying on a wooden bed inside a small, worn-out cottage.

"Tin! You're awake! Finally!"

An over-weight teenager stood beside his bed and almost fell-over Austin in excitement. He stared at Austin with a bright smile splashed across his face.

"Evan? Is that you?"

Austin became more confused after he recognized the young man in front of him.

'What the hell? Did I just travel back in time? Why am I in my old quarters at the Sun Sect with Evan? It's been several years since Matias knocked me on the head and turned me into an idiot. Why am I here?'

Questions raced through Austin's mind.

"What happened to me, Evan?" Austin asked.

He hit his head with his fist trying to shake off the confusion.

"You were beaten up by Matias and has lost your consciousness for days. You don't remember?

Looks like your head wound is worse than I thought,"

Evan replied.

'I was hit by Matias?' Austin thought.

''Something doesn't sound right.

While he was trying to figure out what was going on, a loud mocking laugh reached his ears. "You finally came back to your senses, you idiot!" Matias said.

He and ten other teenagers broke into Austin's house. Matias was a notorious bully and a grunt disciple of the Sun Sect.

"What are you doing here, Matias?"

Surprised and frightened, Evan stood in front of the bed as if trying to hide Austin from Matias.

"Ha-ha! I am here to send this fool back to his Creator," Matias replied smirking.

His companions dragged Evan out of the hut, pulling him by his feet. After they were done beating him, they came back and charged towards Austin.

Austin wanted to fight, but he could not move a single muscle in his body. He was still feeling dizzy and didn't have the strength to defend himself.

"Master! Wake up!"

A gentle female voice resounded in Austin's Soul Sea.

It was Violet who was speaking.

Her voice seemed to have worked some magic that it awakened Austin. Soon his memories came flashing back.

He shook his head to shake off his dizziness, and as he opened his eyes, he was back in the forest.

A dozen white huge flowers surrounded him from all directions.


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