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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1704

Hearing the frightened screams of the miners, Austin rushed out of the mine immediately.

When he made it to the ground, he was surprised to see that around other mines were also in a stampede. The miners were all running like hell as they were trying to escape.

On the other hand, the three elders and the stewards along with the hundreds of the principal disciples of the Rudimentary Holy Land had flanked all sides of one mine. They were all alert and combat-ready.

The three elders were undoubtedly the most powerful ones in the team. But they also stared at the entrance of the mine seriously. It only meant that the unknown creature sheltering here must be very powerful and terrifying.

As streams of black smoke constantly sprang out from the mine, the smell of blood penetrated into the air of the surrounding area.

Judging by the heavy smell of human blood, Austin could tell that plenty of miners have already lost their lives inside the mine.

Just a few seconds ago, those miners came here excitedly looking forward to the big rewards and vacations that the elders of the Rudimentary Holy Land had promised them. However, they didn't expect that something would just come and take their lives.

''No one survived?'' asked one of the elders sullenly.

He knew that the mining process would not go smoothly if they could not fix this problem.

''Over two hundred miners went into that mine earlier but no one made it out," answered one of the stewards.

"Several principal disciples also rushed into the mine when they heard that tremendous sound. None of them came out either,"

one of the stewards answered.

Those principal disciples were all at the Divine Bridge Realm but unfortunately, they had all just vanished after entering the mine. There was a big possibility that they all died in there. Something very dangerous must really be hiding there.

Boom! Boom!

Another loud sound of explosion was heard from the mine. It was so strong that the ground shook violently.


Then thick clouds of smoke expelled from the entrance of the mine.

At the center of the smoke, there was an evil energy that was released by some unknown horrifying creatures.

"Ahhhhh!" A horrifying scream of agony filled the air.

The miners who were exposed to the smoke or even just the slightest explosion suddenly grabbed their throats in pain. Their eyes were wide open in shock and fear.

After a few seconds, they all fell onto the ground and disintegrated until they became a pool of blood.

Even the principal disciples turned pallid at the sight of the poisonous smoke. The weaker ones started trembling involuntarily.

"Stand back, now!" shouted one elder of the Rudimentary Holy Land.

To protect the principal disciples from the smoke, he quickly waved his hands and a powerful wind came out. The wind pushed them thousands of meters away from the mine.

The other miners felt terrified and panicky upon seeing some miners trampling each other just to flee from the freaky mines. Everyone tried their best to survive.

Austin also followed the steps of the miners and ran thousands of meters away from the mine. He only stopped running when he made sure that he was already in a safe location.

When he looked back from afar, the freaky mine was still visible because he was standing in a barren and flat area.

Besides, Austin had sharp eyes because of his high cultivation base. He didn't need to release his spiritual sense to see what was happening around the mine clearly.

The elders and the stewards of the Rudimentary Holy Land who also retreated thousands of meters away waited for the smoke to vanish.

It took around four hours before the smoke gradually faded and finally disappeared.

When they were sure that the mine was already smoke-free, the elders and the stewards of the Rudimentary Holy Land cautiously went back to the mine. They then released their spiritual sense to start searching the area.

"My spiritual sense is not working. How can this be?" blurted one of the elders.

He was full of astonishment upon realizing that his spiritual sense didn't work.

Austin heard the elder's words clearly through his powerful spiritual sense. He was also astounded.

Even the elders of the Rudimentary Holy Land couldn't see through the mine with their spiritual sense. It only proved that the creatures existing in the mine were beyond the level of their powers.

"To make sure of our safety, we better send some miners down and check the situation," suggested one elder.


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