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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1705

All the crystals they saw in that place were actually the ruling crystals.

The biggest one among them was ten meters tall. It was cubic in shape with a black foot embedded it. The foot was almost eight meters long.

The black foot was in the shape of a human being's foot. But it definitely was not human foot as it was too large in size. And it was pure black like carbon.

The large, black foot was covered with dense hair which was as thick and long as an adult's finger. The appearance of that foot terrified people.

The miners stared at the large foot in that ruling crystal. They were stunned and petrified as well. The atmosphere was extremely weird inside the mining well and everyone felt profoundly scared in that eerie place.

"These are all special ruling crystals. I'd say they are special top-grade ruling crystals!

One piece of a special ruling crystal is almost as precious at ten thousand ordinary ruling crystals!

I have been working here in the mine for so many years, but this is the first time I got lucky to see so many ruling crystals at one place!"

A miner sighed as he kept staring at the shining ruling crystals in the mine. Probably he was in his forties.

'Special ruling crystal? That's strange.'

Hearing the miners' discussion, Austin also realized something. He didn't actually think that there was anything such as special ruling crystals that existed. But now he was convinced of their existence.

Compared to Austin, the miners knew more about the ruling crystals. It was obvious as they had been working with those crystals for such a long time.

"Look! There is something in that piece of ruling crystal!"

Another miner who had been walking ahead of all exclaimed suddenly, out of terror.

He was absolutely right. In some of the other ruling crystals, there was something sealed inside. These things were all weird and looked quite terrifying.

One piece of the ruling crystal contained something like a monkey's paw. The difference was that it was quite bigger than an average monkey's paw.

It was like a steel hook, with dense black hair on it. It had black and scary auras radiated from it. Although the paw was sealed inside the ruling crystal, people could still sense the powerful aura clearly.

"There are a monkey's foot, head, body and paws. Oh, gosh! It definitely is one monkey. It looks like its body had been split and sealed in different pieces of ruling crystals!"

A bold miner stepped forward holding the torch in his hand. He moved the torch across so he could see the body parts enclosed in the crystals.

Soon the other people followed the first miner and made the space become bright with their torches. On doing so, they found that there were totally five or six pieces of ruling crystals that had the different parts of a monkey sealed inside. There were limbs, body and head. All these parts could be joined to a complete monkey.

The weird monkey surely had been huge, reaching dozens of meters high with dense and black hair all over his body. It had a very cruel and horrible face.

The people were more surprised when they saw that it had a pair of wings too. The wings were at least one meter long and black in color like the rest of the body parts.

"Oh, gosh! I remember now. It is believed to be the flying demonic monkey!

I remember I was told about it when I was just a kid. Several elder members of my family were miners. My grandfather's grandfather had also worked in the Northern Mine District. He also had come across such an inauspicious thing.

After that, my grandfather's grandfather fell sick and stayed in bed for a few years. He ended up dying in that state for he never recovered.

According to him, there were many things which were far too dangerous and we miners should not even see them. They were either cursed or filled with evil energy. If we discover or release the unknown living things sealed in the crystals, we will surely be dead!"

An aged miner said, trembling with fear. He was so frightened that his legs seemed to go weak and could not support his body anymore. In the end, he buckled and got down on his knees. He kowtowed to the ruling crystals that had the body parts of the strange monkey.

"Mr. Monkey, please do not kill us. Please forgive us, Mr. Monkey!" he pleaded.

As the aged miner held a position of high reputation among the miners, the other miners listened to his words carefully. He was old and had worked in the mining area for a longer time than other miners. So, it was quite evident that he knew much more about such things than the rest of them.

Seeing the actions of the older miner, nearly one hundred miners, who were present there, started to get down on their knees. They too kowtowed to those ruling crystals.

Of course Austin was not among them! He felt that the monkey and the giant human foot probably belonged to some special race which existed in ancient times. And for some reason unknown to them, the monkey was sealed inside the ruling crystals.


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