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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1723

"Damn! That flying demonic monkey!

I swear I will kill the evil being!"

The senior reclusive elder of the Ji Clan was so furious that his voice sounded like thunder and echoed around in the area.


"Did the flying demonic monkey appear again? Where did it appear?" "Really? Is it really true?"

the other top masters in the Slave Tower asked in surprise.

"Yes, it is true. The flying demonic monkey has appeared and is causing a bloodbath in the mining area of the Ji Clan.

As long as the flying demonic monkey is alive, the Northern Mine District can never live in peace. And all the mining areas of every sect will be in danger.

I advise that we unite against it. All of us shall send our top masters to hunt down and kill the flying demonic monkey!"

the senior reclusive elder of the Ji Clan said with clenched teeth.

"You're right. We have to unite now.

So, let us set off and slay that foul beast without any delay!"

All the top masters of the other sects agreed readily. They knew what kind of a terrible situation they were in now.

In an instant, one or two top masters from each sect shot towards the mining area of the Ji Clan. They knew that the task ahead needed to be dealt with quickly.

The masters, who took up the mission, were either holy lords or reclusive elders.

As the flying demonic monkey was far too dangerous, it would be futile to send ordinary people to hunt it down. It was tantamount to suicide.

Only the top masters had the strength and the talent to be able to stand a chance against it.

With so many of them leaving, there were only three masters left to monitor the situation around the Slave Tower.

Those who left were adamant to hunt down and kill the flying demonic monkey.

Inside the City model, things seemed quite strangely peaceful, but not for long.

The spiritual tree was floating above a pile of spiritual crystals and absorbing the energy from them continuously.

Suddenly, Austin received a message from Brady in his Soul Sea.

"Master, I have been able to resurrect one of the ancient men but he looks frail and seems to be out of his mind."

Brady's voice was a mixture of happiness and worry.

"That's great!"

Overjoyed on hearing it, Austin transported himself in a flash to the eighth floor of the Slave Tower.

On reaching the eighth floor, he was astonished.

Brady stood there baffled. Beside him, sitting on the ground of the battle ring there was an old man who looked rather weak.

There was a sparse patch of hair scattered on his head. His face was full of wrinkles, just like the bark of an old tree.

His body was too thin, as if there was nothing but skin and bones. It seemed like there was no blood or any form of liquid in his body. He sat there, stooping like an Egyptian mummy.

The only thing which showed he was still alive was his dull eyes.

When Austin saw him, the old man was looking ahead in the space with empty eyes.

It was as if he was staring at something far from where he was sitting.

His attention was not at his current location or the people on the eighth floor.

He did not even react when Austin arrived there.


The Earth Hermit came up to Austin's side. He came as soon as he received the message from Austin through spiritual sense.

"How does the old man fare?"

Austin whispered to Brady.

"I don't know. He has been in this state ever since he was revived. It looks like his mind is still stuck in the past,"

Brady said, shaking his head.

"Sir, I am Austin Lin from the Flame Holy Land. It is an honor for me to meet you,"

Austin said respectfully, as he walked up to the old man.

There was still no response from the old man. He was still looking ahead without the slightest movement.

"Boy, although he has been revived, his mind is still immersed in the past. It is as if he is still reminiscing about the things of the past.

It's best if we give him some time to get used to his new surroundings."

After observing the old man for a while, Earth Hermit sent a message to advise Austin by his spiritual sense.

"All right!"

Austin nodded in agreement.

Even he felt that the old man had been sealed for a long time and that had left a great impact on him. Austin was assured that it was the main reason of his unusual state.

Although he had been revived, his mind was still not clear. Rather it might be as blank as a slate.

Austin and his two companions had to wait beside him. They had to keep waiting for the old man to come back to his senses.

Just then, he felt something.

Austin felt something vibrate or shake in his pocket. He took out a Contact Jade Slip.

It was the Contact Jade Slip which was given to Austin by Elder Brendan. It was a tool he would use to communicate with Austin.

Within a certain distance, one could sense the existence of the other.

Austin had received a message from the Contact Jade Slip.

Quickly he used his spiritual sense to read the message.

"Holy Heritor! We are coming to save you.


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