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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1725

"So you are an elder," said the middle-aged man with a nod.

He looked at the elder and continued, "Then tell me something about the current situation of the Flame Holy Land."

After all, he used to be a member of the Flame Holy Land.

It was just normal that he would care for it.

"Sir, the Flame Holy Land is currently in a bad situation," answered Elder Brendan.

"It was almost destroyed more than a thousand years ago and it is now in the middle of rebuilding itself and rising again."

Elder Brendan's eyes turned red as he was giving an account of the dilemma of the Flame Holy Land. His voice sounded really sad. "Really? The Flame Holy Land was almost destroyed? How did it happen? Tell me in details."

The middle-aged man's face darkened upon hearing Elder Brendan's words.

He had the urge to know the whole story behind it.

Elder Brendan told him everything in details. He mentioned all the changes that had happened to the Flame Holy Land over the past thousand years and the current situation of the sect.

"I never expected such dramatic changes happened to the Flame Holy Land. Its members must really have suffered a lot."

The middle-aged man was utterly astonished.

"The Flame Holy Land is a great sect. It is renowned in the East Mainland. It's unimaginable that it was just destroyed like that. I can't believe it ended up this way."

Then the middle-aged man fell into silence. He contemplated on what Elder Brendan had told him. It was so difficult to believe that the Flame Holy Land had been suffering for the past one thousand years.

After a while, he eventually let out a melancholic sigh.

Then he continued, "The three of you have done a good job. If you hadn't worked hard for so many years, the Flame Holy Land might already have vanished from the world and no one would be able to remember its name. You've made a great contribution to the Flame Holy Land. You're our heroes."

The middle-aged man gave the three elders an encouraging look.

The three elders suddenly felt a lump in their throats. They almost burst into tears.

What the middle-aged man said was true. The three elders had indeed been trying their best to rebuild the Flame Holy Land during all these years. They had protected the sect with all their might and avoided it from collapsing.

Now, the three elders' meritorious deeds were appreciated and acknowledged by the middle-aged man.

Actually, this man was a senior elder of the Flame Holy Land hundreds of thousands of years ago. So, the three elders couldn't help but feel relieved in their hearts after hearing his encouraging words.

"By the way, sir, this is Austin. He is now the Holy Heritor of the Flame Holy Land. It was him who held the biggest role in your resurrection."

Elder Brendan pointed at Austin as he introduced him to the middle-aged man.

Then Elder Brendan narrated what happened in the Northern Mine District during this period of time. He told everything in details.

He also told the middle-aged man why they were hiding in the Slave Tower, how they were besieged by the top warriors of various sects, and how dangerous the situation they were facing right now was.

"That's interesting. It was you who saved me. So I owe my life to you."

The middle-aged man looked at Austin with a smile.

"It's an honor for me, sir."

Austin bowed and saluted the middle-aged man hastily.

He had the feeling that the middle-aged man was a highly ranked elder from hundreds of thousands of years ago, so he made sure to behave extremely polite in front of him.

The middle-aged man scanned Austin from head to foot with his eyes and measured the latter's abilities with his spiritual sense.

"The way I see it, you have a great potential in martial arts. Your cultivation base is also amazing. I think you deserve to be the Holy Heritor. Just strive harder in the future, Austin. Do your best to help the Flame Holy Land stand again. Make it stronger in the world of martial arts."

Austin suddenly felt as if naked under the middle-aged man's gaze. He somehow felt uncomfortable under his scrutiny. He knew that the senior elder had already seen everything inside him through his spiritual sense.

Before Austin could say anything, the middle-aged man faced the other people around and introduced himself.

"All of you can call me Elder Sharp. I used to be a reclusive elder of the Flame Holy Land."

Everyone had a surprised look on their faces upon hearing what the middle-aged man had said. They didn't expect that he was the former reclusive elder of the Flame Holy Land.

The reclusive elder of the Flame Holy Land from about hundreds of thousands of years ago! He must be an excellent warrior with dreadful martial skills. Everyone knew that only such capable man could assume such an important position.

"It's an honor to meet you, Elder Sharp!"

The three elders and Austin addressed Elder Sharp with utmost respect.

"By the way, Elder Sharp, we still have other three elders from the Flame Holy Land who are being sealed in crystals," said Austin.

He then gave a signal to Brady.

Brady immediately understood what Austin meant, so he waved his hands.

Then three huge pieces of special ruling crystals appeared in the battle ring.

Without further ado, Elder Sharp suddenly leaped towards the three pieces of special ruling crystals. His eyes were fixed at the three elders who were confined inside them.

He looked petrified as he froze in front of the three ruling crystals for quite a while. He never spoke nor moved even a single muscle of his body. He stared motionlessly at the men inside the ruling crystals.


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