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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1793

In a little while, the much-awaited moment finally came.

"Everyone, please follow me to the altar. Let us all pay our respect to the deity of heaven and earth and the ancestors of the Flame Holy Land!"

Elder Sharp stood up.

All the people of the Flame Holy Land followed Elder Sharp and stepped on the altar in the center of the big square.

Elder Sharp stood in front of the line. He was chanting a prayer as he led people of the Flame Holy Land to pay their respect to the deity of heaven and earth, and the ancestors of the Flame Holy Land.

At this time, the entire altar was constantly bursting out with dazzling mysterious runes.

The seven color rays of sunlight that wreathed the altar created a mysterious aura. On top of it were shadows of beasts that continuously appeared one after another.

This gathering was a formal ceremony. No one dwelt on the thought whether the heaven, the earth, the spirits, the ancestors, would accept their worship and prayers.

It had been a practice in the East Mainland that every sect would hold such a ceremony on its inauguration.

The ceremony symbolized the official establishment of a sect.

"From now on, we will rebuild the Flame Holy Land back into its glorious days. It will stand in the East Mainland once again.

To the deities of heaven and earth and our ancestors, with your blessings, may the Flame Holy Land be prosperous from now on!"

Elder Sharp chanted as he ended his prayer.

Elder Sharp imbued his voice with power upon uttering that last sentence. It sent billowing sound waves everywhere, creating an enormous momentum equal to ten thousand galloping horses.

The whole world resonated with Elder Sharp's thunderous voice.

Elder Sharp led the entire people of the Flame Holy Land to bow repeatedly in conclusion of the rebuilding ceremony.

"Congratulations! Finally, your Flame Holy Land will now be rebuild.

Elder Brendan, this is a simple gift from our Deep Sea Commercial House.

Please kindly accept it."

Yannick then waved his hand, and a Space Ring instantly flew towards Elder Brendan.

Elder Brendan was shocked after he scanned the Space Ring with his spiritual sense.

It contained piles of money on it.

"Although I'm very grateful, but I think it's too much. I don't think I can take it."

Elder Brendan shook his head.

"Ha-ha! It's not that much. Don't mention it.

Please take it. If you will refuse my gift, then you are really looking down on me,"

said Yannick.

Elder Brendan was left with no choice but to take his gift.

The Peacock King, the leader of the fire crow race, the clan leader of the Han Clan, and Ward also gave their presents in a Space Ring.

Each Space Ring contained an enormous amount of wealth that impressed Elder Brendan greatly.

Elder Brendan was very thankful for the gifts of these generous people.

The number of gifts they received was enough to supply the Flame Holy Land with the resources that they needed for their reconstruction.

A sumptuous feast had been arranged by Elder Brendan to entertain their guests.

The people in the Flame Holy Land were more than seventy thousand.

It was a very lively and noisy event. Around Seventy to eighty thousand people attended the feast.

For over a thousand years, the headquarters of the Flame Holy Land was a boundless desolated desert with only a few human inhabitants.

It had never been so lively like today.

While everyone was enjoying the feast, Austin secretly asked Yannick about Stacy.

According to Yannick, he immediately went to the Rudimentary Holy Land to free Stacy after he had killed Alonzo, the second-in-command of the Deep Sea Commercial House and cleared up all the traitors.

But the Rudimentary Holy Land said that Stacy was not with them.

Stacy got seriously injured while being chased by Alonzo and the people from the Rudimentary Holy Land. She then disappeared, and nobody knew her whereabouts since then.

At first, Yannick didn't believe with the words of the Rudimentary Holy Land.

To convince Yannick, an elder of the Rudimentary Holy Land showed him a spiritual sense video about the injured Stacy and how they lost track of her.

The spiritual sense video was recorded with the use of the arcane spell of spiritual sense by a master of the Rudimentary Holy Land who was chasing Stacy at that time.

"There's a big chance that she was able to escape them.

She might be hiding somewhere to heal herself,"

Austin assumed after he heard Yannick's words.

"I have sent people everywhere to look for Stacy.


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