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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1794

At this point, Austin had already successfully returned to the Five Elements City.

With Elder Sharp at the helm of the Flame Holy Land's headquarters, he was sure that no one would dare stir up any kind of trouble there.

The three elders and four stewards, on the other hand, took care of the daily, mundane affairs that kept the Flame Holy Land alive.

Everything was going well. Now, all they needed to do was to expand their territory and to recruit more disciples.

Earth Hermit had already left the headquarters of the Flame Holy Land.

According to him, he was going to find a quiet and secluded place in order to cultivate alone and in peace. He was planning on reaching higher realms.

Over the past year, he had helped Elder Sharp in repairing the Sect-protecting Array of the Flame Holy Land. During that period, he learned a lot about ancient arrays.

Also, with the help and guidance from Elder Sharp, he was about to make a breakthrough.

The moment Austin returned to the Five Elements City, he began to cultivate in seclusion.

In the castellan mansion, a piece of dust was in the corner of his secret room.

This dust was Austin's City model.

Austin sat silently, cross-legged in the middle of a deserted street in his City model. His eyes were closed, and he was focused on running the Golden Sun Scripture.

Streaks of golden light were coming out of his body, effectively making him look like some kind of a deity.

In his elixir field, the Fire Stela was busy refining one of the natural vessels of dragon energy.

A strong spiritual energy was continuously gushing out of the said natural vessel, flowing through all the energy meridians that could be found on Austin's body.

Austin had four other natural vessels of dragon energy inside of him.

After ten days of strenuous cultivation, a low rumble suddenly manifested from Austin's body.

Apparently, immense amounts of golden vital energy was flowing through his energy meridians.

Because of this, all of his energy meridians were expanding rapidly.

"A sign of a breakthrough..." Austin whispered to himself, smiling.

"Brat," a disembodied voice echoed in Austin's Soul Sea. It was the Flame Emperor's. "Based on my observations, it's clear that you'll be going through the Thunderstroke Doom as go to your next breakthrough.

So you better start getting out of your City model and find a place far from any civilization to stage your breakthrough.

Because if you don't..." the voice trailed off, making his reminder ominous.

"No one knows what will happen next."

"Really?" Austin asked, not fully comprehending what had just been said to him.

"Do you really think that I might experience the Thunderstroke Doom this time?"

The possibility of that happening stunned him.

"Yes," the Flame Emperor answered firmly. "The rules of heaven and earth here are different from those in the Prime Martial World.

In the Divine Continent, only cultivators who have reached or are already above the Divine Bridge Realm could go through the Thunderstroke Doom when they make breakthroughs.

It's not common—well, it's impossible—for Divine Bridge Realm cultivators to experience the Thunderstroke Doom when they reach higher realms.

Only those at the Divine Bridge Realm who are specializing in practicing the cultivation methods and martial skills of thunder would go through that," he explained carefully.

"But you know, when cultivators reach the Minor-perfection Realm, Thunderstroke Doom would surely appear when they make breakthroughs.

Considering how skilled and powerful you are, I figured that you'll experience the Thunderstroke Doom when you make a breakthrough,"

he resignedly concluded.

"I see,"

Austin whispered as he nodded in understanding.

'Since he used to be at the premium stage of Major-perfection Realm in the Divine Continent, he must know more about cultivation than I do, ' Austin thought.

"Well then, thank you for the warning. I'll find myself a nice place outside the City model to break through," Austin said.

Not intending to waste any more time, Austin immediately teleported himself out of his City model and left the Five Elements City.

It was nighttime. The moon was high in the sky, and it was illuminating everything on the ground.

The sky was clear, and the stars were all shining brightly. It was a beautiful night.

Austin was using his bodily movement skill and was travelling towards one direction at full speed. After half an hour, he arrived at the foot of a cluster of mountains. He was already a few hundred miles away from the Five Elements City.

He then rushed into the depths of the mountains to find a place to continue his cultivation.

After a few moments, he was able to find a place. He settled down, and proceeded to do what he needed to do.


There were loud sounds coming from Austin's body, and he was already emitting a golden light that was illuminating everything that was around him. The light was so strong that it would blind anyone or anything that would stare at him.

Then, above Austin's head, thick dark clouds were starting to gather.

Soon enough, flashes of lightning could be seen appearing within the said clouds. It was as if a small thunderstorm was brewing above Austin.


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