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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1795

Austin was shocked by what he had seen.

The Sword Emperor was a great master of the Emperor Realm in the Prime Martial World.

However, some people said that he later left the Prime Martial World to go to a higher level world.

Austin didn't expect that the Sword Emperor went to the Divine Continent during that time to learn swordsmanship in the Divine Sword Cliff.

What shocked him more was that the Sword Emperor had already gotten the second half of the Dominant Spiritual Sense Swordsmanship here.

The Sword Emperor found the first half of the Dominant Spiritual Sense Swordsmanship in an ancient relic.

It was said that the sword marks on the Divine Sword Cliff were left by a great master of the Immortal Transforming Realm in the ancient times when he was practicing swordsmanship here.

'Are they somehow connected?' thought Austin inwardly.

He was lost in various fancies and conjectures.

All of a sudden, the glittering characters on the cliff flashed out and rushed into Austin's Soul Sea.

Then a phantom figure appeared in it.

The figure looked like a regal emperor with thick beard and round eyes.

'The Sword Emperor!'

Austin almost cried out.

He had already seen this man when he was in the Prime Martial World. But what he was seeing right now was the shadow of the Sword Emperor again.

As far as he could remember, he had seen this man's shadow in the statue of the Sword Emperor that he had gotten before.

That was why he was able to easily recognize this shadow when it appeared in his Soul Sea.

To his surprise, the shadow began to speak.

"You were able to trigger this wisp of my spiritual soul. This only means that fate decided for us to meet," said the shadow slowly.

The emperor's shadow spoke in a slow but domineering manner. His hands were behind his back.

"Back then, I lived in front of the cliff to learn swordsmanship. I had found the first half of this swordsmanship in an ancient relic of the Prime Martial World years ago. Finally, I've gotten the second half of this extraordinary swordsmanship here. I collected the unique swordsmanship which is extremely overbearing. But, as long as you can cultivate both the first and second halves, you can chop everything in the world with the sword intent."

Austin listened intently to the shadow of the Sword Emperor. He was still in shock.

"Since we are destined to meet, I will now teach you the entire swordsmanship," the shadow added.

Then the Sword Emperor's shadow suddenly exploded and turned into information which was slowly showed in Austin's Soul Sea.

Austin read the information hurriedly.

He couldn't help but tremble in excitement.

The information was the second half of the Dominant Spiritual Sense Swordsmanship.

After reading the information, Austin sat in front of the cliff with his legs crossed. He closed his eyes and immersed himself in the second half of the Dominant Spiritual Sense Swordsmanship.

For one day, Austin had chewed the second half of the Dominant Spiritual Sense Swordsmanship over and over again.


Austin opened his eyes slowly. Shock was written all over his face with what he had discovered.

It turned out, the Dominant Spiritual Sense Swordsmanship was actually called the Five Elements Dominant Swordsmanship.

The first half was the basic part and it was the simplest.

The second half was about the real swordsmanship.

It was more powerful than the first half thousands of times.

So, if one wanted to practice the second half of the swordsmanship, he must first master the laws of the five elements.

These five elements were the metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.

According to the Sword Emperor, the great master of the Immortal Transforming Realm kept the secrets of the laws of the five elements in the cliff in ancient times.

At that time, the Sword Emperor was living in front of the Divine Sword Cliff. He spent a lot of time and energy learning the swordsmanship. Until finally, he was able to master the Five Elements Dominant Swordsmanship and made a great progress in his swordsmanship.

"It turns out, the sword-light coming from the Divine Sword Cliff contains the secrets of the five elements," muttered Austin to himself.

He then examined the sword marks on the cliff.

Since he had been sitting in front of the cliff the whole day, it was already late now.

The moon was bright and the stars were few.

So, when he looked at the Divine Sword Cliff, he could see more huge streaks of sword-light coming out.

These lights seemed to slash something.

'I'll stay here to cultivate my swordsmanship just like what the Sword Emperor did, ' thought Austin inside.

Since he had acquired a set of the most powerful swordsmanship, he needed to concentrate on practicing it.

He should not put everything into waste.

So, on the days that followed, Austin went back to the Five Elements City occasionally while practicing his swordsmanship.

Although he needed to focus on cultivating his swordsmanship, he also needed to check the situation of the Five Elements City from time to time.

He spent most of his time staying in front of the cliff. In the evening, he would watch the sword marks as the sword-light burst out from them. In this way, he could gain the secrets of the laws of the five elements that were left by the great master of the Immortal Transforming Realm.

During daytime, he would practice the second half of the swordsmanship.

Time flied.

Half a year had passed.

During these six months, Austin had only returned to the Five Elements City a dozen times.


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