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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2030

Kimberly was stunned by how much Austin was interested. She wanted to know if Austin would go with her or not. However, since she's also asking him for a huge favor, she sighed and replied, "Well, who knows whether or not there is really an immortal in the world?

Perhaps, there is or perhaps not. Keep in mind that everything is just hearsay.

Besides, we are still too weak to reach that level.

Maybe, one day, when we're strong enough, we'll know the answer."

Austin nodded and sighed in disappointment.

"You're right. We are still too weak."

"Still, we can't ignore the fact that the Astral World has become a famous place for cultivating ever since it was discovered and excavated by generations of great masters. We should not forget to look up to them.

Moreover, there were also great masters at Immortal Transforming Realm, who were proficient not just in array but also in ruling power. According to the characteristics of the rules of heaven and earth existing in the Astral World, these masters were able to invent a very precious Lifesaving Teleportation Rune.

As far as I heard, this Lifesaving Teleportation Rune was used to fake death and even teleportation in the Astral World.

To expound on its power, if one has this rune, the moment he or she is about to be killed, it will automatically be activated. This means that the rune is created to die for its owner and will teleport the owner out of the Astral World,"

Kimberly added. Besides, if there was someone who could tell more about these things, it would be Kimberly.

Since she came from an ancient clan in the Middle Pilgrim Land with a long history filled with power and strength, it was no wonder how she knew more about the Astral World than ordinary people.

"Wow! It's my first time hearing about this Lifesaving Teleportation Rune.

I can't believe that there is such a magical treasure in this world, and one that can actually help you cheat death at that,"

Austin responded after he gasped in shocked.

Kimberly shrugged. "Well, all in all, the Astral World is a really mysterious place, which is full of opportunities.

Moreover, it is very unpredictable. Sometimes, it is very peaceful, and the other times, it is said to be extremely dangerous. Everyone will have to rely on one's luck when in that place.

Then again, no matter if you are a strong person or just an ordinary person, everyone has the same chances of getting his or her own opportunity.

Well, I think I covered the necessary information, so Martin, do you want to go to the Astral World and join the battle with me?"

Knowing that Austin would keep asking about the Astral World, Kimberly knew she had to ask before he lost his interest.

Wanting Austin to go with her, she had to say so many things that seemed interesting just to attract Austin's attention and hopefully touch his eagerness to come.

Austin thought about it for a while, which made Kimberly frown deep inside, realizing that she was not convincing enough. Then again, she was patient and waited.

Finally, Austin nodded and said, "Okay, I will go with you."

As for Austin, hearing about Kimberly's introduction of the place made him really interested and curious about the Astral World.

Especially the part where someone had discovered an incomplete Immortal Scripture. This was the most interesting information he had heard about in days.

After hearing his response, Kimberly immediately felt excited, but she dared not to show any of it on her face.

"Well then, get ready, because we will be going in two days."

The thought of having a powerful helper by her side gave her so much confidence in the trial of the Astral World.

After all, Austin had defeated Tam, which meant he was even more powerful than her.

"By the way, you should work and cultivate even harder these two days.

If you need any cultivation resources, just approach me.

I will provide them to you. Do you understand?"

Kimberly offered.

Since she decided that Austin would be the best follower to bring in the Astral World, she hoped that Austin would be in best shape the moment they step foot on that place, so that he would be able to provide her with the necessary assistance she needed at the right time.

Austin was stunned after hearing this from Kimberly. After a while, he smiled playfully and replied, "Cultivation resources?

Are you serious?"

Kimberly nodded in reply.

"Well, I do need more resources. To be honest, I need so many of them that I am afraid you may not want to give me."

"Just tell me what and how many of these cultivation resources you need,"

Kimberly said.


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