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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2031

Once inside the cottage, Austin directly teleported himself into the Slave Tower. There was no time to waste.

In there, he proceeded towards the arena on the eighth floor, intending to practice the Immortal Body Refining Formula. This was perhaps the safest place he could do so.

The secret room of the ninth floor was not an option at the moment because the thunder unicorn was still in a deep slumber.

In fact, the magical beast had shown no signs of waking up ever since it had eaten the thunder fruits. Perhaps it was hibernating and its body was using those fruits in the background.

In any case, Austin brought out the Pot of Chaos in the battle ring, along with more than nine thousand superior herbs above sixth grade and three semi-omnipotent herbs.

It was time to cultivate the Immortal Body Refining Formula.

At that moment, Kimberly was standing on the peak of the mountain far away from the hut Austin had gone into, and would occasionally glance at it curiously.

'Does this guy really need so many cultivation resources?

Or, is he lying to me about his plans and intending to sell them all and make a fortune? I'll never forgive him if he does that!'

Kimberly thought to herself.

Curious about his actions, she released her spiritual sense to check on Austin, trying to deduce what he was doing in his hut at the moment. What she perceived made her utter a small cry.

"Where'd he go? Where is he?

He entered the hut just now.

And I didn't see him leave," she muttered, looking puzzled.

This was curious indeed; but the matter was soon resolved.

She surmised that Austin had entered his magic treasure and was therefore, not visible.

"He is full of secrets,"

she murmured, shaking her head in confusion.

Twelve hours passed, and Austin could still be seen in the arena on the eight floor of the Slave Tower.

The scene had changed now, though.

A big herbal pot stood in the center of the arena, and a strong fragrance of herbs was wafting out from the little holes on the lid.

If someone were to wait for Austin right now, they would be bored very quickly and time would seem to pass rather slowly, since nothing much was going on the outside world.

Inside the Slave Tower, however, the lid of the pot was suddenly thrown open.

A figure slowly rose from it. It was Austin.

His body was emitting colorful lights, illuminating the whole battle ring.

An aura of tremendous physical strength was coming out of him.

As he stretched himself, the air around him was squeezed by a powerful pressure and a small cyclone was created. The space shook violently in response to his tiny action, as if it was going to collapse under the influence of a great power.

Austin slowly clenched his fists.


He became ecstatic with the results. His physical strength had been improved at least a dozen times.

Austin speculated that he could now defeat any Major-perfection Realm cultivator with merely his physical capabilities.

And if those cultivators tried to attack him, then he could stand still like a statue and they wouldn't be able to harm one hair on his body. Such resilience was an outstanding advantage.

Even Heavenly Grotto Realm masters would fail against him in terms of physical strength.

'If I practice this formula even more, I will be even more stronger, '

Austin thought.

Then he exited the Slave Tower and was suddenly back in his hut, appearing out of the blue.

On checking the time, he saw that it was still one day before they set out for the Astral World.

"Martin Xiao, you bastard, come out now!

I'm Kenneth Wang from the Universe Sect and this is your doomsday!"

Just as Austin came out of the Slave Tower, a fierce roar suddenly reached his ears from the distance. Like a raging wave, the sound wave hit the mountain where Kimberly was busy in her cultivation.

She woke up from her meditation but before she could even look around, the whole mountain suddenly started to shake. Sand and stones began to fly in the air, and the wind became so strong that all the trees began swaying crazily.

"The Universe Sect again!"


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