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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2032

"You want to kill me? Butcher my arms and legs and put a spike in my head?

Ha-ha! You are delusional.

Arrogance will get you nowhere. It would be best for both of us if you return to where you came from while you still can."

Kenneth's face darkened when he heard Austin's gloating. He let out a loud laugh when he realized Austin's naivete.

Kenneth had been known to be a fierce fighter of the Power Ranking Stela. However, by this time, news had spread around the school that he postponed his practice to go to Kimberly's cultivation mountain to fulfill one purpose: to kill Martin.

Many recognized figures who were mostly first and second level students were identified dashing through the air towards Kimberly's cultivation mountain to see what would happen.

"Hold on! The last time I went to the cultivation mountain of Kimberly, I was victimized by his follower named Martin with his extortion. He stole a large sum of my valuable property!

I don't think it would be a good idea to break into the territory of Kimberly.

Plus, Martin will be there. He might devise another elaborate plan to steal from us just like the last time!"

some disciples reacted. They were doubtful of their ploy, and could not help but worry for the worst. Others could not blame them since most of them personally encountered Martin recently.

"Ha-ha. Do you really think that Martin will still be alive and kicking after this? Kenneth can rip him apart with his own bare hands!"

"Kenneth is a powerful cultivator who ranks forty-second on the Power Ranking Stela. It is known that he has been practicing seriously for the past two or three years. To be honest, with his real strength in battle, he deserves a higher ranking.

It is a no-brainer that he can and will kill that Martin this time.

As a matter of fact, it is unnecessary for you to worry about it,"

the other disciples answered to the anxious ones.

"Yes, you are right. Kenneth's fighting capacity is far greater than Tam's.

Martin should be no match for him.

Maybe we are just worrying too much."

The distressed disciples were convinced with the affirmation of the others. Everyone was now confident in their position knowing they had a Herculean ally like Kenneth.

Consequently, all the disciples immediately charged towards Kimberly's cultivation mountain and barged into the huts of the cultivating disciples at the foot of the mountain.

Meanwhile, Austin was calm as a millpond. He did not move a muscle as he focused on the figures flying and running nearby. Secretly, he could not help but feel a little joy.

"I am going to make a fortune this time,"

Austin said while trying to hold his smile.

At an instant, Austin floated high in the air, facing Kenneth from afar.

"Martin, he is a quite powerful cultivator who ranks 42nd in the whole Blue Dragon School.

Moreover, it is said that he has been cultivating in seclusion in the past two or three years, so his real fighting capacity is likely to be even stronger than what you would expect.

You'd better not fight with him head-on. Find a way to avoid him. Remember, Martin, evasive maneuvers!"

Kimberly's message to Austin via a spiritual sense warned him not to fight against Kenneth.

"Do not worry. I do not need to avoid someone like him,"

Austin replied with a smile.

"All right, Martin. Come out, come out, wherever you are!"

shouted Kenneth as he summoned Austin.

Kenneth became more and more aggressive to the point that streaks of golden light emanated from his very skin.

In an instant, a shadow of a gleaming Buddha appeared above his body.

In the light of the golden Buddha, an ancient small world of the Buddhist appeared where Kenneth was.

In this small world, there were many sacred temples. There were also a multitude of people who were worshiping and praying. At the same time, there was an ancient Buddha figure meditating and chanting.

A cosmic energy was coming out from the small world.

Some students who were in close proximity and whose spiritual sense were relatively weak were compelled to act subserviently to the Buddha's image. They began to kneel and touch the ground with their forehead in submission. As they kowtowed, they started atoning for their sins and becoming a believer.

Even Austin felt a faint sense of admiration in his heart.


That is an extremely powerful ancient scripture!"

In less than a second, Austin was able to drive away his sentiments of veneration towards the Buddha.

Soon, some of the students who were surrounding the mountain also realized that they were only in a state of trance influenced by Kenneth's power.

"Oh my God, that was so powerful.

In an impulse, I was about to kneel down and kowtow. Martin is going to lose to Kenneth for sure."

Many of them marveled at Kenneth's strength secretly, but looked at him with great fear.

Everyone witnessed that he lived to fulfill everyone's expectations of him. He deserved the esteem everyone put around his name. The cultivation methods that he had mastered were too terrifying.

"Kenneth has preliminarily mastered the Buddhist Scripture!"

"I heard that a few years ago, he got it in a secret land. It is also said that he has been practicing it in seclusion."

"Kenneth, show them your great power!

That Martin is dead meat!"

The members of the Universe Sect cheered and applauded.


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