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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2133

The entire mountain was in an uproar as human-faced crows flew out of it and rushed towards them. More than that, the heat was so intense that even the stones turned molten.

"Damn it! There are millions of crows here!"

At that moment, millions of human-faced crows had enveloped the sky with a force so powerful it could destroy heaven and earth. Their sheer number was enough to make everyone who could see it feel overwhelmed.

In addition to that, the human-faced crows also emitted terribly powerful energy waves. They were, in no way, ordinary animals, and with the terrible sea of raging fire around them, they were, in every way, capable of becoming extremely horrible and destructive.


The monk stood still -- a terrifying aura emanating from him. His golden robe fluttered in the air, making him look like an immortal God or a demon straight from hell.

At the same time, the stinking corpse miasma filled the sky and formed a circular defense shield, covering everything within a radius of hundreds of meters and protecting the monk from any harm.

Neither the raging inferno nor the human-faced crows could get near the monk. In fact, the moment they went within the vicinity of the shield, they were immediately reduced to ashes.

Austin was utterly in shock. There was no way he and Brady would have been able to resist the attack of millions of crows on their own. He was absolutely sure that if they encountered the crows, they would be dead. Without the help of this monk, they surely would have died already.

Caw! Caw! Caw!

Millions of human-faced crows were cawing non-stop in an ear-splitting and frightening way.

All of a sudden, Austin and Brady found something.

As flames flared inside that cave, a pair of cold, ruthless eyes sparkled within it, staring closely at Austin and his fellows.

There was a very horrible aura there -- similar to that of a dragon preying on a herd of vulnerable sheep. It was so powerful and terrifying that even Austin's strong heart could not help but shiver.

The golden eyes were teeming with killing intent. It was immediately apparent that this was a being with incomparable power and it was itching to charge at Austin and his companions.

"Oh my God! There seems to be a most terrible being hiding inside that cave that has the power to drive millions of crows to attack. What is it and just how powerful is it?"

Both Austin and Brady were taken aback.

The being looked like a crow wrapped in golden flames!

Austin stared at the cave intently. After a while, he seemed to have recognized the owner of the golden eyes.

The golden crow was much bigger than ordinary crows.

By Austin's estimate, the golden crow was probably about three or four meters high.

"Could it possibly be the legendary three-legged golden crow? It's incredible!"

Brady murmured to himself, obviously recognizing the golden crow in the cave as well.

"The three-legged golden crow? It's more marvelous than I ever would have expected!"

Austin was stunned by Brady's words.

Brady was more than a hundred thousand years old, so naturally he had way more knowledge than Austin had.

"Yes, it is. It is said that the three-legged golden crow is a legendary beast that lived in the ancient times.

More than that, it was born in the depths of the sun, and bathed in the extremely horrible flames of the sun.

If the legends are true, it could be much more powerful than a master at the Immortal Transforming Realm.

As a matter of fact, it could fight against the legendary immortals and not lose,"

Brady said to Austin nervously.

It was hard to believe that the beast in front of them was actually capable of challenging a god.

Austin was taken aback.

If the three-legged golden crow was actually as powerful as an immortal, then there was no way the monk would be a match for it.

In fact, even if the three of them joined forces, it was still very unlikely that they would survive an attack from it.

"Don't worry. This beast is not the real three-legged golden crow. It's just one of its offspring.

Thus, it only carries a very small amount of the actual blood power of the three-legged golden crow.

If there were a real three-legged golden crow here, I would have turned around and left as fast as I could.

Only a fool would choose to face it head on in that case.

However, I'm not a fool and I don't have to be afraid of the beast inside the cave,"

the monk said loudly in an attempt to comfort Austin and Brady after hearing the conversation that just transpired between them.

Apparently, the monk really knew what he was doing.

Upon hearing the monk's words, Austin and Brady both let out a sigh of relief.


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