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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2134


The frightening sound of the flock of crows resounded from the dark ancient cave once more as the three-legged crow's cold eyes sparkled gold.

With every passing moment, the murderous will grew larger and larger until it had completely shrouded the air around him.


Then, in an instant, the monk was suddenly in front of the cave inhabited by the three-legged golden crow.


The three-legged golden crow also started fighting back at that moment. Without wasting even a second, it waved an old golden stick and swept it forward, and the inexhaustible heat of the sun became tens of thousands times hotter than it was before. Now, everything in its path was immediately burnt to ashes.

The monk shouted coldly as he stretched out a big hand to grab something, and without warning, the old golden stick suddenly snapped in half.

The birds sang sharply and sadly as a golden sun shot out hundreds of millions of divine radiance into the cave -- each of which akin to a golden needle. The sight was so blinding that neither Austin nor Brady could open their eyes.

It was an attack so devastating that it had the power to kill every single living thing in that area. More than that, its immense power was enough to sweep the entire area within a hundred-meter radius from the monk.


The monk rolled up his sleeves and took in all of the radiance. Then, he took a step forward and rushed straight into the dark ancient cave.

In an instant, the torrent of black energy transformed into a river of corpse miasma and rushed directly into the cave.

The whole cave started to shake violently.

The crows' shrill cries resounded in the air and the golden light blazed on even more. But it was not enough to stop the monk who continued to stride into the cave effortlessly.

Then, the fiercest battle broke out inside the cave.

The monk roared and the three-legged golden crow honked continuously.


Deafening sounds rang out as the black mountain trembled violently. Then, the mountain where the old cave was collapsed as the fierce fight raged on. In addition to that, huge rocks started flying out of the cave.

Smoke and dust filled the air, and the fire of the sun raged on in the sky. Then, when everything finally returned to peace, only about seven or eight feathers fell down.

Every single feather was just as dazzling as the sun, albeit stained with wisps of golden blood. The terrible energy fluctuations they gave off made people unwilling to approach them.

"It seems like the monk has won!"

At that moment, Austin was overjoyed.

The energy that erupted from the battle in the cave just a moment ago was so formidable that Austin and Brady couldn't even get a glimpse of what was happening with their spiritual sense. Thus, they had no way of knowing how the battle was going.

However, judging from the current situation, Austin guessed that the monk had emerged victorious.


Before they could say or think of anything else, the monk suddenly appeared in front of him and Brady.

"You are right. I won.

That three-legged golden crow did not have strong blood power.

So it wasn't difficult for me to defeat and kill it.

Anyway, you can take these two things first,"

the monk said, handing two items to Austin.

Austin immediately took them into his hands.

One of the items was a golden beast bone with some bloodstain on it. At that moment, it was still warm to the touch.

The other thing was a ball of golden light, bright and dazzling, so it was difficult to see what was wrapped in it.

"What... the Flaming Sun Formula? ?"

Austin's heart immediately started to beat faster. There were some ancient words engraved on the golden beast's bone. He only recognized some of them.

"Is this about an ancient scripture? !"

Austin's eyes lit up immediately.

"This beast bone is the inherited bone of the three-legged golden crow. When I integrate it into your body later, you will have some of its omnipotent skills.

That scripture must be the inheritance of the three-legged golden crow.

It was probably awakened by its blood,"

the monk said.

"That golden light ball is the vital energy essence of that three-legged golden crow. I will integrate it into your body later as well.

You're already practicing the Golden Sun Scripture, and it happens to be similar to the energy essence of this three-legged golden crow. Therefore, you will find it quite easy to merge the two.

You'd better put these two things in a safe place for now since we don't have much time to do this right now.

Once we get the Reincarnation Lotus, I will spend some time helping you absorb them,"


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