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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2678

After coming out of the chaotic void, Austin realized that he was back to the place where he had been chased by Dennis.

Moments earlier, Dennis had followed him into the chaotic void. Austin had destroyed the space and caused turbulence. That was how he had rid himself of Dennis.

But since Dennis was far away from Austin back then, he didn't get hurt by the space turbulence.

What Austin feared most was that Dennis would vent his anger on the Immortal End World because he failed to catch him.

For this reason, Austin immediately transported a warship from the Slave Tower, boarded it and headed for the Immortal End World.

On the way, Austin recalled what the old man had told him.

"The Eye of the Ghostdom Ancestor is the Tomber's most powerful trick. Is the eye that powerful?"

Austin wondered.

He felt that the eye between his eyebrows was completely under his control now.

According to the old man, the Eye of the Ghostdom Ancestor had several powerful abilities.

First of all, the eye could see through anything in the world; nothing could escape it.

Secondly, it possessed an enormous, mysterious energy that could be used as a weapon. The weapon could cause much damage.

Thirdly, it could devour one's soul, mental power and spiritual sense.

In a word, the Eye of the Ghostdom Ancestor could absorb any energy related to the spirit and soul.

When one looked at the Eye of the Ghostdom Ancestor, his spiritual soul would be disturbed, hurt or even devoured.

The more souls the eye absorbed, the more powerful it would be. When it devoured a certain amount of souls, it would produce a terrible light called the Light of Ghostdom Ancestor's Eye which could destroy anything in its path.

In short, the Eye of the Ghostdom Ancestor was a formidable evil eye.

"I hope it won't disappoint me,"

Austin muttered expectantly after he thought of the old man's description of the Eye of the Ghostdom Ancestor.

As Austin stretched his hand, a sword surrounded by Five-element Sword Aura materialized.

He had acquired it from the Ghostdom.

At that time, the sword was inserted in the ground.

"I am certain that this sword has something to do with Sword Emperor.

This may even be his weapon," Austin speculated.

He could feel that the aura and intent that the sword contained were absolutely identical to the ones he had produced using the Five Elements Dominant Swordsmanship.

There was no denying that the aura inside this sword was far more powerful than the one that Austin had created.

The first part of the Five Elements Dominant Swordsmanship left by the Sword Emperor was the prime reason for Austin's being able to become a top-notch master in the Prime Martial World.

Later, he got the second part of the Five Elements Dominant Swordsmanship in the Five Elements City of the East Mainland. Because of this, his swordsmanship had greatly improved.

Perhaps Austin was destined to get involved deeply with Sword Emperor.

It was safe to say Sword Emperor was Austin's master in swordsmanship even though the former hadn't taught him in person!

"I'm back in the Immortal End World!"

Austin was in the middle of studying the fine sword when he realized that his ship had reached somewhere outside the Immortal End World.

Austin put away his sword and got off the warship.

From behind, he heard a familiar sneer.

"Oh, look! The brat's finally back."

Then Austin heard the man give a mean laugh.

'Crap! It's Dennis. This is not good.'

Austin's heart sank the second he recognized the voice.

He looked ahead and saw an elderly man in grey floating in the air. He was staring at him with a playful look in his eyes.

"Why don't you run like you did the last time? Humph! I was just thinking that if you didn't come back, I would ruin the Immortal End World, and there would be nothing for you to come back to,"

Dennis sneered.

Back in the chaotic void, the old man had cast a mysterious spell to slow down time.

As a result, even though it took a couple of days for Austin and the old man to explore the Ghostdom, only two hours had passed outside the chaotic void.

Hence, Dennis thought Austin had disappeared for only two hours.

When Austin was able to escape, he immediately came to the space outside the Immortal End World and waited for him.

Since Austin was the leader of the Immortal End World, Dennis knew that he would come back sooner or later. That was why he decided to stay there and patiently wait for him.


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